Folgers 'Tolerate Mornings' Is Intolerable

Well, we were going to tell you about this Folgers commercial that FishNChimps thought was way too happy happy but the Folgers site took too damn long to load. Humorously, the load page of the site says, "A website dedicated to making your mornings more tolerable. Not this morning, dudes. Speed up your site and then maybe, just maybe we'll watch your stupid spot.
Freaking hilarious. I laughed out loud twice.
As I sit here drinking my fifth cup of Community Coffee from Baton Rouge, LA I thnk the neighbors dog gave birth while this was loading. This is good work and I watched this twice (not normally my attitude.) However I still like my Community Coffee and still don't care to much for Folgers.
Would it make me try Folgers again? Brent it was on the hilarious side!
Loaded fine on Mac with Firefox... weird!
I actually saw it through But I thought it was annoying. I'm all for beiung intentionally cheesy or silly but this was just too much. Then again, the version I saw on was a :60. Maybe everyone else saw a :30.
I do think that the 360 stuff they did on the Tolerate Mornings website is good. But the ad? Too over the top.
Did I mention I didn't like the ad?
I actually saw it through But I thought it was annoying. I'm all for being intentionally cheesy or silly but this was just too much. Then again, the version I saw on was a :60. Maybe everyone else saw a :30.
I do think that the 360 stuff they did on the Tolerate Mornings website is good. But the ad? Too over the top.
Did I mention I didn't like the ad?
looks like andrew keller.
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