Subaru Kicks VW's Butt, Queers Give Financial Advice

OK, we're back from ad:tech San Francisco, their biggest to date, and we've got piles of backlogged bits for you so here we go, once again. machine gun style.
Exopolis has created a funky website for the Nicktoons Network Animation Festival. It's a busy page with all kinds of things to do but that's what the kids love.
The Dairy Farmers of Canada have launched Mobiloke, karaoke for the the cell phone. It's part of a campaign to make milk hip.
Apparently, this is to promote Honda's new civic hybrid and references London's congestions charge.
There's a new film coming called Art School Confidential staring John Malkovich which proves to look very weird but probably not far off from real art school.
Zugara has created another site for Reebok's "I Am What I Am" campaign. Each country's version of the site will feature different athletes and artists specific to that region. For example the U.S site ( features Mark Zuppan and Carolina Kluft while the U.K. site ( features Amir Khan and Ryan Giggs.
Somebody's filed some sort of patent for an Advertising Box that seems to make it easier for marketers to create online ads and for consumers to change and interact with them.
Oxygen Network is promoting it's new Ivana Young man reality dating show with a cheesy video featuring Ivana Trump.
We have no idea what this is but we're sure it has to do with some sort of heartwarming organ donor list thing. We could be wrong.
Ad archive site Ads of the World has launched a forum section.
Lethal has launched a campaign in London for the Honda Civic Hybrid that involves the hanging of air fresheners from trees around the city to connote the vehicles environmentally friendly emissions.
Allegiant Air is allowing its planes to be wrapped with logos and commercial messaging. InterAir Media is behind the move.
Here's an ad from a tech retailer called TekServe that used $60,000 worth of iPods dominos-style to deliver its message.
Dieste Harmel & Partners has taken Gold at the 2006 FIAP show in Buenos Aires for an Anheuser-Busch spot titled "Mini Mouth."
For you art directors with some spare time on your hands, a site called TheBroth is a place where multiple players can move 1,000 colorful tiles to form collaborative mosaic artworks.
It's not exactly the most beautifully produced commercial, but this PSA advocates the hiring of those with disabilities and makes the argument that doing so is better for all involved.
Apparently, Subaru felt the need to respond to the VW My Fast ads.
It seems queers need financial advice too.
At ad:tech, ad serving company Atlas had a Truth Booth into which conference attendees would share their inner secrets which would be edited and emailed back to them. Wexley School for Girls created.
Here is a seriously whacked video promoting a cereal called Jelly Filled Frosted Sugar Balls. Actually, it's a twisted promotion for Mercury's twisted The Neverything.
We have no idea what this is. We're too lazy to find out. But, someone sent it to us so it must be something. Oh, it has something to do with advertising during the World Cup in Germany.
This thing promotes Sprite 3G...and a woman lays an egg. Don't ask, just watch.
This ad does a really nice job demonstrating the human touch Toyota imbues on its vehicles. A little too much human touch for us though.
Jeff Kling has a new book coming out. We think.
Ford' Your Ticket 2 Drive has Music 2 Drive 2. Good tunes.
Captains of Industry has created a podcast series for its client Arbor Networks that brings radio-style drama to the podcast. It's all about securing the net.
Topic: Commercials, Guerilla, Podcast, Television, Viral, Weblogs
More direct link to the Art School Confidential trailer:
You can view the FIAP-winning A-B spot, "Mini Mouth," here:
Oh-- and welcome back, Steve! ;-)