Honda Choir Ad Gets Really, Really Bad Spoof Treatment

We wonder why we had to wait so long for a spoof of the Honda Choir ad to make it's debut and now we know. This spoof from 118 118, the same people that spoofed the Honda Cog spot, is so horrifically bad, they had to re-shoot it over and over and over to make it even worse so it good then be released as "so bad it's good." What a waste of time. View it, if you have to, over at Adland.
This isn't even remotely as bad as you make it seem. Sure, it's a spoof, so it's creatively malnourished by definition, but as spoofs go it's perfectly serviceable.
If you thinks it sucks so bad, why'd you post about it?
am I the only one who can't see the link for this anywhere?
The text just says "What a waste of time. View it, if you have to, over at" with no url or anything?
could someone please repost
The hyperlinked word "Adland" will take you to the site but if for some reason that's not working for you, the link is
I thought it was very funny. I laughed, I cried, and I think maybe you guys missed the point - unless you were spoofing us?
Where's your head at? This is better than 98% of everything you celebrate on this site. And a lot more entertaining than the original.
I thought it was hilarious. Very good spoof treatment if you ask me.
Very funny spot - clever and well executed. You've called this one wrong, i think