Canada Encourages All American Gays to Marry In Canada

OK so it's not really a great spot, in fact, it's really cheesy but it does strive to let all Americans know Canada welcomes, with open arms, all gays and lesbians who want to get married without the hassle of state and federal anti-gay marriage laws. Oddly the spot is 42 seconds long which, actually, is a very good thing because 12 seconds of this spot could be cut and nothing would be lost.
As a Canadian, I'm disgusted. There really isn't any more to say.
I am a lesbian myself, but I do think that they could have cut 12 seconds and gotten their point across. The kissing scenes were longer than they had to be, in my opinion.
kb took the words out of my mouth but I am a so-called "american homophobe" Is this all Canada is good for?