Price is Perception in New VW Jetta Commercial

Advertising for Peanuts points to this beautiful commercial created by DDB London for the new VW Jetta in which not a word is spoken but the message is clearly delivered, even if in a misunderstood manner.
Hats off DDB. Brilliant.And just using that piano. Very cool.
I like the concept...but couldn't the viewer easily take the message (of course the tag may take this away) "pay more than you should"
Certainly and engaging spot though.
I like it okay. I liked it more when Arnold did it for VW five or six years ago. There was a great spot about a guy being kidnapped, then dropped off back at his car. Better.
I like this spot, but I think the old tagline, "It just looks expensive", was a better fit.
I like this spot, but I preferred the old tagline, "It just looks expensive".
Apparently, Jettas are catalysts for losing your hot girlfriend.
anyone know what the tile of background music in this latest commercial is?