Ham+Lambert Hot Chick Delivers Super Bowl Ad Ratings


Last week we told you about Hart + Larson's Ham + Lambert site which promised to show a woman named Andrea watching the Super Bowl and rating the ads. For those of us who only care about the commercials, have ADD and enjoy watching an attractive female rate Super Bowl ads, this is the video for you. Watch Andrea as she has settles in on the comfy sofa, has a beer and some snacks, paints her wall, does other weird stuff and gets up off the couch during ad breaks to rate each commercial with placards using a rating system including "Effective," "Entertaining," "A Waste of $2.5M" a score and commentary. She even does a Half Time show. But the best part is she does it while teasingly undressing and dressing. No, there's no nudity but if you want to watch the game in 14 minutes, DAMN, this is the way to do it.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Agencies, Best, Strange, Super Bowl 2006     Feb- 7-06  


Genius. That is all.

Posted by: Steve S on February 7, 2006 12:34 PM

If you want to bring a sense of voyeurism to a spot, then this is one way to do it.

Posted by: john on February 7, 2006 02:59 PM

i watched a little bit every now and then throughout the day until i saw it all. Voyeurism gets me every time!

well done,


Posted by: Dario Meli on February 7, 2006 07:10 PM

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