Campaign Illustrates Armageddon-Style Results of Security Breach

B to B advertising always gets sloppy seconds in the media so we're going to send some clean love to Hanft Raboy & Partners which created this interesting print campaign for its security software client Fortify Software. The print ads feature a forward looking time line highlighting less than desirable results based on a security breach. From the simpler loss of job and, as a result, having to live in one's mother's basement to full scale SkyNet-style Armageddon, the campaign, while exaggerating the extremes, clearly illustrates what can happen in a world run by computers. See all the ads here.
I would hold the applause for the agency--they used "loose" when they should have used "lose" in the first ad.
Very different and quite effective. For quite a 'long' copy I certainly didn't mind reading through the various stages.
I think three is a little too political and 'doomsday-ish' for its own good, but overall I like them.
There are grammatical errors in every ad. Hopefully, they are better at handling security issues than copywriting.
what's with the comment spam?
Jeffrey, Dale - the typos were fixed before the ads actually ran. ;-)
Wow. These are so different than any others I've seen. 'Wonder what it was like selling this to the client.
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