White Castle Proposes Day After Super Bowl Holiday


If a marketer can't own Super Bowl Sunday then, at least, they can try to own the following day by creating a holiday. White Castle has launched an online effort along with a petition to turn the day after the Super Bowl into The "Day After The Big Game Holiday." Referring to the holiday as DA Day, White Castle believes the day is necessary to recover from the previous days eating and drinking and obsessive viewership of Super Bowl ads.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Super Bowl 2006     Jan-22-06  


Hope it becomes a holiday! We get ripped off in the US....we only have 16 official holidays and Japan has 25 and the UK has 30 bank holidays.

Are there official greeting cards yet for DA DAY? Hallmark better step up quick!

Posted by: Colleen on January 23, 2006 01:28 PM

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