Adrants Named 'Almost Sorta Hip'

Following a recent post about those Weapons of Mass Distraction, Bitch Lab, with insightful, literary perfection, called Adrants "The ad-we're almost sorta hip-rants blog." Never before have we been described so perfectly if we do say so ourselves. Thanks, Bitch. We're gonna use this in our media kit now.
"Thanks, Bitch. We're gonna use this in our media kit now."
very nice
Hey, if you guys are "almost, sorta hip" - what's that make those of us who read you?
"kinda, almost, sorta hip"???
Mike Bawden
Brand Central Station
Well, for those of you in the business, your irony meter ought to be on hand at all times and beeping fast and furiously. If not, I don't know how you survive without slitting your wrists. ;) That's why Steve is, actually, almost sorta hip.