Social Media A Force to Be Reckoned With

On Tuesday, October 18 at 9AM, I'll be moderating a panel at BlogOn in New York. The panel is called "Can Advertising Be Social." On this panel, the panelists, who include Organic CEO Mark Kingdon, Unilever Brand Development Director David Rubin, Jaffe LLC Founder Joe Jaffe and I hope to discuss the relationship between social media and advertising - the ways in which people have entered what has now become a two-way conversation rather than the former one-way, marketer to consumer bullhorn approach.
It should be an interesting and, hopefully, informative discussion. There's blogs, chat rooms, forums, IM, Wikis, podcasting, social networks and innumerable other methods with which consumers can achieve a voice as powerful and widespread as marketers.
As examples of this newfound consumer voice, there's Jeff Jarvis who, following a bad experience with a Dell computer, took on Dell publicly forcing Dell to respond. Unfortunately, it wasn't much of a response. There's George Masters, a teacher who created a professional looking iPod commercial which raced around the globe. Smartly, Apple took a hands off approach. There's Converse who asked people to submit films about Chuck Taylors. There's Mercedes who encouraged people to send in photos of themselves with their Mercedes which were ultimately featured in the company's ad campaign. The examples go on. People have become socially active with their brand experiences, good and bad, and the level of activity is forcing marketers to join the conversation and, forever, putting aside old methods of controlling it.
Indeed, marketing is in for the ride of its life.
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Podcast, Trends and Culture, Weblogs
As companies connect directly with us, and reap the rewards of our creativity, they should invest in, and support consumer generated media. Advertisers have to be good members of the communities they are tapping into - if not, we will just push them out of the conversation.
our clients are eager to be respectfully and effectively engaged in consumer-generated media. I'm at BlogOn right now, learning a thing or two about it, that I can take home to share with them. And I feel like an art major in an advanced math class at this conference. Social media is a lot tougher to formulate and digest than simple :30 spots. damn.
our clients are eager to be respectfully and effectively engaged in consumer-generated media. I'm at BlogOn right now, learning a thing or two about it, that I can take home to share with them. And I feel like an art major in an advanced math class at this conference. Social media is a lot tougher to formulate and digest than simple :30 spots. damn.
Any plans to have a conference like this on the west coast?
BTW, Blogtronix is webcasting all BlogOn 2005 General Sessions: