Mountain Dew Funds Movie

In a subtle bit of Product placement, Mountain Dew has financed a snowboarding film, opening December 2, called First Descent. The brand is said to make subtle, casual appearances in the film but will not, it seems, be overbearing. Audiences will make that determination.
Why can't they just write
"Produced by Mountain Dew"
in the title sequence and dump the product placement ?
Product placement is bullshit.
I disagree (with both your thoughts, and your language by the way).
Product placement is slowly replacing traditional advertising (it never will totally replace it, mind you). Yahoo's partnership with The Apprentice shows exactly how product placement is useful:
With more and more video games heading in the direction of product placement as well (McDonalds in The Sims, Billboards in racing games, etc.) this is a source of still virtually untapped income.
Ad Age wrote about this 6 months ago!
First Descent is supposed to be a documentary film,
not a piece of crap reality TV show.
Just put the corporate logo and name in the titles,
instead of sneaking in "subtle" product shots. Yeccccccch.
Product placement will eventually contribute to the
overall decline in television viewing.
Hmmm. Maybe not so bad after all. Brilliant !
Hmmm... I'd much rather have "subtle, casual appearances in the film" than obnoxious, overbearing commercial breaks during it. But then, that�s only an opinion...