Leverages Big Feet in New Campaign


Coinciding with National Coming Out Day, Planet Out's on Tuesday launched a new ad campaign with the tagline "More Than Meets the Eye" which fixates on the apparent relationship between foot size and...well...dong size. Along with a promotional online video in which a guy plays footsie with men of all different foot sizes until he finds foot-measure-breaking Mr. Bigfoot, print ads and outdoor ad to the campaign. Too bad there isn't an accompanying hetero campaign in which the relationship between booty size and breast size was explored.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Campaigns, Commercials, Magazine, Outdoor     Oct-13-05  


As the owner of a pair of size-14 feet, I'm all in favor of perpetuating this myth... I mean TRUTH! Perpetuating this TRUTH.

Posted by: seamus on October 13, 2005 06:39 PM

No offense, but could you please use spell check in your entries?

Posted by: DM on October 13, 2005 08:51 PM

I did. What's missplelled?

Posted by: Steve Hall on October 13, 2005 09:00 PM

The URL to visit the video site for this campaign is: the hyerlink you currently have is not working correctly.

Posted by: Wendy on October 14, 2005 04:12 PM

@Steve: um..."ads" (outdoor add)and "hetero" (hetro) are...not major ones but enough to distract readers...

Posted by: sugar on October 16, 2005 08:44 PM

so, why has gone offline the past 3 days? are they out of business???

Posted by: dak on October 20, 2005 11:02 PM

Server probably.

Posted by: Erik on March 11, 2006 03:33 PM

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