Dockers Says No to Metrosexuals, Sell Clothes

According to Whois, his site may have been around since Summer but if it has been, we missed it. So there's our disclaimer for all your freaks who think nothing less than two seconds old should find its way to these pages. Anyway, Levi's Dockers division has launched Say No To Metro and goes to great lengths to spoof the whole metrosexual thing all while selling Dockers. The site is set up like one of those affliction sites with areas such as "Are You At Risk?", Awareness" and "Prescriptions." Prescriptions, of course, being Dockers clothing designed to cure all Metrosexual ills.
There's a reflex text in which images such as burger versus phoofy sandwiches and beer versus cosmopolitan choices are presented. There's a "Stop the Plucker" test in which the amount of eyebrow plucking determines ones level of Metrosexual-ness. And there's a "Guy-cologist" area in which a hottie nurse offers a host of exams. Even if the site was launched this past summer, wasn't the whole metrosexual thing over like a year ago?