Leprechaun Leaps For Lucky Charms in Viral

Dipping its feet into the viral advertising waters, with the help of AsaBailey and Saatchi New York, General Mills has created a "The Italian Job" movie spoof called "The Irish Job" which features a tiny leprechaun in a car racing away from perusers with a box of Lucky Charms in the seat next to him. The video has been seeded to 250,000 U.S. students and 20 somethings.
Wow. That was a very boring waste of money for General Mills.
What General Mills seem to have done here is quite cleverly extract more mileage out of their original investment, in what I remember was a locally ran US TV spot, by converting it in to this viral campaign. I�m sure I remember this ad went out about 6 months ago on some US networks.
That's almost as lame as the coq rock ads.
You're almost as lame as the coq rock ads.
Damn, then he must be lame, because those Coq Roq ads are the lamest.
this feels like a regular commercial. instead of the action route maybe they should have gone the sex route for better viral. you know leprechaun as pimp asking the ladies if they want to taste his lucky charms..."yo, baby, they're magically delicious."
Here's the thing with 'viral' ads. They're only 'viral' if people think they're cool enough to pass along to their friends. This does not fall into that category. From the looks of Asa Bailey's site, they're really good at putting lame commercials on the web and then labeling them 'viral'.
This is so bad it's embarrassing to the advertising business. And that's hard to do.
"The video has been seeded to 250,000 U.S. students and 20 somethings."
What does that mean? 250,000 e-mails have been sent?
Slapping a bad TV spot online doesn't make it viral. Unless it's got Paris Hilton washing a car in a bathing suit. Now that's viral.
Loosely, yes. That's what it means. Efforts where made by AsaBailey to get this thing out to 250,000 people. Seeding is a term used in viral marketing to describe distribution. Seeding...as in planting seeds and they will grow/spread.
But it worked, didn't it? We are talking about it people are talking about it... There is buzz, negative or otherwise might get people to buy cereal.
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Sounds like a regular commercial.
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