Paris Hilton Adjusts Panties, Sells Yellow Pages

AdJab points to a new Paris Hilton ad bonanza. This time, she's gone international and is hawking GoYellow, a German online yellow pages service. In the commercial, Paris primps and frolics on her bed as only Paris can while adjusting her yellow boy panties, eating a red apple and waiting for the delivery boy to arrrive
Even better than the commercial is Paris's bubble-headed "performance at the press conference which you can view here.
Save the trees.
this was by far the best and worst press conference i�ve ever seen. classic
i love it, and it�s hot
Here a link to the actual spot:
save yourself is probably more of a priority....oh, no, that's right Daddy's money is going to save you not to mention all the freakin losers who think this is attractive....sad.
Motto: Get it while "It's Hot."
She went out with the socialite guy who modeled for Gianni Versace Cory or Cory Bernstein . They are both overexposed rich models and media whores.That's not always hot to middle america.
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