Studies Suggest DVRs Not So Bad For Advertisers


Two recent studies of DVR usage point to potential advertiser benefits. an ESPN study found 85 percent of DVR households own just one DVR and 68 percent of DVR household viewing is done in front of the DVR-enabled television. Some believe this implies group and/or family viewing. MPG CEO Charlie Rutman commented to MediaPost on the study, saying, "I've felt for some time that in some respects, the DVR might actually encourage viewing, especially family viewing. When you think about it, the DVR becomes the media center of the household, and draws everyone to it."

Another study conducted by Frank N. Magid Associates found 55 percent of DVR users stop "on occasion" during fast forward to view a commercial. This leads some to believe all is not lost for the :30. The Magid study suggest agencies adopt alternative production techniques "with less cuts and stronger visual elements. Producers need to understand how each DVR system differs, such as how the fast-forward bar intrudes on the TV screen, and the impact it has on graphic placement."

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Television     Jun-28-05  


"The Magid study suggest agencies adopt alternative production techniques 'with less cuts and stronger visual elements. Producers need to understand how each DVR system differs, such as how the fast-forward bar intrudes on the TV screen, and the impact it has on graphic placement.' "
- Not brilliant insight. Research studies better have more to offer than this,or they'll go the way of the :30.
Oh, if only that were possible..
Just run the logo on a wet t shirt for thirty seconds. Or that lovely product shot. Save the :30. Why bother? Just put up billboards on every street in America. Yechh.

Posted by: KRank on June 28, 2005 11:20 AM

I blogged on how TiVo users actually do watch commercials, just in fast-forward mode (and the Burger King commercial that worked in that scenario) back in March at

I actually agreee that this is an important topic and worthy of further insight. TiVo is changing viewing habits...advertisers need to adapt their creative just as they adapted when b&w screens when to color...and will again when HDTV comes to adoption.

Posted by: Chris on June 29, 2005 11:59 AM

Run your 10 seconds spots and slow them down to 30. Fast forward through them, and they play realtime. Or speed up 2 minute spots to 30 seconds, more information in less time.
Brilliant ! The novelty will wear out and the spots will still be crap.
As to HDTV, sharper! clearer! wider! and still crap.
I know these ideas will be tried. And you heard it first here.
No charge, via KRank Consultancy, Inc.
At KRank, we're here to bust your balls, so you can take it easy on yourself.
KRank, kicking the dead horse.

Posted by: KRank on June 30, 2005 11:26 AM

I know you guys are all in the industry. I am just a poor dumb consumer. I do pause during commercials, it's when I think the show is coming back on, not to watch the commercial.

There was a rumor some time ago that TiVo was going to start having a ticker when fast-forwarding for advertising. Did you guys ever hear that?

Posted by: Chris Guldi [TypeKey Profile Page] on August 18, 2006 07:17 AM

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