It's Summer! Let's Kill Beach Goers With Ads!


The once quaint, red-lettered banner dragged behind a small bi-plane has increasingly given way to gigantic sky banners, sailboats equipped with logo-emblazoned sails, grooming equipment that paves the beach with logos in the sand, logoed umbrellas, handouts, beach chairs, towels and flip-flops. Tantalized with the ability to reach millions of beach goers each summer, advertisers can't pass up the opportunity to ruin the once pristine views one might assume exist at their local beach. It's amazing Gary Ruskin or the Billboard Liberation front aren't out on beaches every season with giant paint ball cannons equipped with gallon-sized, white paint bullets defacing all that "image pollution." Of course, the sponsored nightlife can sometimes make up for this daytime blight.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Outdoor     Jun-20-05  


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