In this brilliantly concepted commercial, Blaupunkt illustrates the body shaking thrust of its automotive sound systems by showing the effect it has on two stuffed animals sitting on the back shelf of a car. Of course, it could always be a brand hijack.
UPDATE: Apparently, and not surprisingly, this spot was not authorized by Blaupunkt for release. Also, downloads have killed bandwidth here so the link is dead. The commercial is available here, here and here.
Drawing together resources from its AdWeek, BrandeWeek, MediaWeek, Billboard and Hollywood Reporter properties, VNU Business Media has, today, launched Inside Branded Entertainment, a website reporting on branded entertainment. So far, it just appears to be an aggregation site for branded entertainment related stories pulled from the VNU stable of sites rather than originally created content.
Likely fearful of the less than upscale brand perception associated with Sears and Sears' recent purchase of Kmart, Nike has decided to stop selling its shoes at the mass retailer. Nike, apparently. does not want to associate it self with downmarket Sears. Some say it's a good thing and will allow Nike to continue as a hip, premium and expensive brand. Others, such as Sterling Group President Debbie Millman think it's not so smart saying, "It is surprising and incredibly short-sighted of Nike to pull their sneakers from Sears. This would have been the perfect opportunity to leverage the idea of a 'specially designed' sneaker for the retailer in an effort to capitalize on the current design-led economy we are living in, which is a good part of what is currently differentiating Target."
A month ago, we reported on a site called, a cow-themed site rumored to be part of either a Maryland State Lottery campaign or a Chik-Fil-A campaign. Well, today is May 5, the day the site promises to reveal what it's all about. The site says to "tune into the networks" between 8:45 an 9:00 PM when is said to be revealed. If, in fact, this whole thing has led up to some gigantic television buy, it better be kick ass or those of us that follow this stuff will be let down.
UPDATE: It really is the Maryland State Lottery.
Bostonist points out the May issue of Boston Magazine looks strikingly similar to the cover of the February issue of Texas Monthly. Both covers contain the word, "Power, in green, emblazoned across black and white photos. Both issues are "power" issues which feature each regions most influential people. Explaining the situation in an oddly circular manner, Boston Magazine Editor Jon Marcus said, "It's done and it's been done to us a lot. We, as a matter of principle, haven't done it and don't do it." OK, then.
Sony is constructing a billboard in SoHo for its PSP. flikr user 02b grabbed this shot of the 3D board currently being constructed at Houston and Lafayette. It could be interesting. That is, until people start climbing the board trying to play with the giant replica or, worse, try to steal the thing.
Causing all to utter a collective "no shit," an Edison Media Research study done for Clear Channel found 47 percent of people would listen to a lot more radio if there were fewer ads. Gee, that's stunning. But, we all know most people won't simply take Clear Channel's word that their "less is more" approach to radio ad sales is working. So, money has to be paid to a company to confirm the obvious. Perhaps more insightful and beneficial to radio is the study's finding that very few (73 percent "rarely" or "never") change the station when a commercial airs. The figure for TV is dramatically different with 19 percent claiming they "rarely" or "never" change station when a commercial airs.
We saw these floating around before but, for some reason, never wrote about them. Well, people keep sending links so we guess it must be important. And, it is. These three spots, one for each British political party (labor, Conservative and Liberal Democrat) were created by none other than Lee Ford and Dan Brooks of Lee and Dan VW Polo Suicide bomber fame. Each of these three spots, created for Britain's Channel 4, deliver each party's message in a very straight forward but fairly non-political manner. One of the spots, which features a woman waking up, confused, the morning after, in bed next to a stranger who claims she promised herself to him for the next for years really hits home.
 BMW's Respect Film
Just as it did several years ago to promote a new car, BMW has created a film to promote its new K1200 R motorcycle. To say the film pushes the envelope for a marketer is a monstrous understatement. The film, complete with naked show girls, violence and S & M style sex, is sure to stir discussion. However, BMW is heading in the right direction here. It's something very different and something very right. Standard advertising is, increasingly, useless in it's effectiveness, and, if it isn't being ignored by people who have become agnostic about current advertising styles, it's being skipped over with VOD. BMW knows this and is creating something that is far more likely to be viewed.
The film is interesting in that artsy way. While it might be considered by some as envelope-pushing, for more and more people, namely the target audience for this bike, it's really just interesting content. Advertising is boring. This film is not. BMW, again, has found the channel thorough which to communicate its marketing message in an entertaining way.
The film can be viewed here.
 Where Is That Bus?
Men love to see women in lingerie but it gets a bit awkward when in public. After all, the purpose of lingerie isn't really to simply cover body parts. If that were so, all underwear would be one color and one style. The purpose of lingerie is to titillate. Trouble is, titillation in public can, as we said, get awkward or a guy. This photo, captured by flicker user, alteredNate, illustrates the point. Here's a poor guy, just trying to catch a bus but while waiting, he's forced to stand bext to a giant lingerie ad. You can just hear the voices in his head. "Hmm...damn, she's hot. I'm just gonna will see...can't look like a perv but whoa she is fine! Alright, calm're in public for christ's sake! Easy. OK....I'm thinking about...yes...I need to remember to bring milk home and's not working...oh yea...the car...I gotta change the oil...ok...there we go...yea...the oil...umm...I gotta get Mobil 1...hmm....oil...the that hot body...oh DAMN, this isn't working...alright if I just place my briefcase in front of me....there...oh thank god...there's the bus...careful to work."