Donny Duetsch Separates From Wife

Page Six reports ad man Donnie Deutsch and his wife, apparel executive Stacy Josloff are "trying a trial separation," according to a Deutsch spokesman. As if to somehow make light of the situation, the spokesman continued, "They're still very close friends and speak all the time. Donny and Stacy continue to love and support each other."
Deutch is a phony. He pretends to possess the gravitis of David Suskind, but he is nothing more than a "Boulevard farcer" who is terrified of life. His entire history, apart from selling high priced consumer products to jerkoffs, and making a fortune (I will give him that), is one of womanizing and fear of family and committment.
I'm suprised his show has lasted this long. Maybe, for his next show he might consider mud wrestling with Pee Wee Herman.
Cousin Stacy would do better to find a nice, young Jewish dentist and forget this cad.
Bruce Josloff
Hey D it's too hard lookin back Its very refreshing lookin forward heads up man! Life is good Took me 30 plus yrs of marriage to figure it out foxy
Hey D it's too hard lookin back Its very refreshing lookin forward heads up man! Life is good Took me 30 plus yrs of marriage to figure it out foxy This is not a malicious comment, its a fact Thank You
i watched your show the other night and the founder of the lotus machine was on. i cannot find where to buy it can you help me