Air Tahiti Launches Entrancing Promotional Website

Beginning with cosmopolitan line drawings of New York City which then wisk you away, first by taxi, then by airplane, to the lush Polynesian tropics of Tahiti, Air Tahiti, beginning service from New York July 9th, envelopes you with a new, very engaging microsite. After the long intro, which, of course, you can skip but won't really want to as it leads you deeper into tropical vacation paradise, the site, created by Saatchi & Saatchi, provides information on the culture, exquisitely beautiful photos of the destination and vacation packages. The experience is beautifully executed and compels you to mentally linger, dreaming up your perfect vacation.

UPDATE: Gawker covers the launch party in NYC.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Creative Commentary, Online     Apr-28-05  


I love it.

Who did the site? Anyone care to claim it?

Posted by: David Burn on April 28, 2005 01:52 PM

hay! is gorgeous! like seriously! n all the ppl that say shit bout her r all freakin HATERS! well jus wnted 2 say that..much love. later

Posted by: alexa on May 27, 2005 03:24 PM

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