Jamie Lynn Spears The New Marketing 'Must Have'

As Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Linsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, and Hillary Duff shift from tween/teen queens to adults with flaws, marketers are now clamoring for the next new fresh face and they may find it in a younger, less tarnished version of Britney Spears: her sister Jamie Lynn Spears. Spears just debuted her new Nickelodeon show, Zoey 101, in which she plays a student at a California boarding school. Yahoo searches for the show are up 1,733 percent this week.
Soon, no doubt, the sponsorship requests will pour in as marketers shed themselves of Olsen drug scandals, Lohan breast obsession and Duff stuff overdose. Yet, dampening hopes the younger Spears will cast off the baggage of her elder stars to display much needed refreshing intelligence and cultural insight, she said, in a USA Today interview, "I want to get a new Louis Vuitton purse. I've had that one (a Murakami) for a while. I need something a little bigger." Yes. A brain.
hej , I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!My name is Samanta I'm from Poland, I'm firteen years old.Ilove YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jamie lynn spears you are so hot my nane is sean richardson flynn
I love watching Zoey101 I just started watching it a couple of days ago but I am hooked on to it now!
my birthday is on the 4 of april as well so when its my birthday i will wish you one
i love Zoey101 it the best show ever
Jamie lynn spears u are so hot i like u way more than sean flynn likes u
jamie u r so hot (i love u)
i love u jamie your show is awesome and your the hottest thing on the show
Hey Jamie what is it like to have alot of fans of yours? well I really love your show Zoey101 now it is one of my favorite shows of all time. You are such a great actres. my freind Tova and me are like best freinds one night she came to my house and we watched your show it was a blast. well I really got to email Tova and tell her that I emailed you. oh also will you email me back at doggy991@hotmail.com
and will you email tova her email is playvrb@aim.com
I love you more then anone much more then stupid fucking Michel Webber
hey jamie this is jenna do you think that we could ever meet?well if you do want to contact me u can ........................pinky_1721@hotmail.com
jamie you are so hot and ya show is grate to what was your christmas like down at ya sisters house because i have seen all your websites.
p.s plz get back
love from liam
x x x
Hey Zoey
I love you so much
i love your show keep it up
omj! i loveyou jamie lynnspears. how come i emailed you before but u never emailed back???
Jamie lynn spears i lvoe you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you love me back call me at 830-5213.you're so hot.I'm a great cook.you're beautiful. my name is ANDREW CRUZ.
Jamie lynn spears i lvoe you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you love me back call me at 830-5213.you're so hot.I'm a great cook.you're beautiful. my name is ANDREW CRUZ.Mwuah!
im 16 years old ..
I luv u and u are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot it is untrue i wish u were my girlfriend.
i luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Hey Jamie wat ^ i just wanted to say that u r the hotties girl evey.I wish i could go out with u.I am 15 (May 6) just like u.My looks r so good u would not have to worry about that.But one thing that sucks is that I live in florida and u live in California.I cryed when i saw "spring break-up" i guess it that I LOVE YOU.I love you with all my heart I truly do more then a friend.Place e-mail me at davidcraver@bellsouth.net Well LOVE YOU MORE THEN ANYONE. _ _
( \/ )
\ /
\/ YOU.
Hey Jamie wat ^ i just wanted to say that u r the hotties girl evey.I wish i could go out with u.I am 15 (May 6) just like u.My looks r so good u would not have to worry about that.But one thing that sucks is that I live in florida and u live in California.I cryed when i saw "spring break-up" i guess it that I LOVE YOU.I love you with all my heart I truly do more then a friend.Pleas
e e-mail me at davidcraver@bellsouth.net Well LOVE YOU MORE THEN ANYONE. _ _
( \/ )
\ /
\/ YOU.
Your tv show is very good!
Hey Jamie. Im 14 and just finished reading all the comments, man i have a whole new respect for you! I have to admit i think you're gorgeous. If you can fit it in your busy schedule please email me at crocman743@bellsouth.net or 321-757-3663 ( Melbourne, FL). Hope to talk to you soon.
Hello jamie, my name is kyle. I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. i live in utah and hope to be able to see u.
send me an email at klemperle_20@comcast.net
Hello jamie, my name is kyle. I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. i live in utah and hope to be able to see u.
send me an email at klemperle_20@comcast.net
Hello jamie, my name is kyle. I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. i live in utah and hope to be able to see u.
send me an email at klemperle_20@comcast.net
hey jamie i love wastching Zoey101 it is the best show ever i watch it all the time
from Zoe
I love you so much you are like a goddess i really wish you were my girlfriend
Hi i love you you are like the most beautiful girl i've ever seen if you can fit it in your scheudle email me at soccerfanatic824@aol.com
Jamie lynn u r the love of my life. Please would u kiss me
hey jamie i love ur show and u r the love of my life. Plz telll me where u live
hey jamie i love ur show and u r the love of my life. Plz telll me where u live
This is stupid cos u probs wont read this but if u will den ma email addy is nicmcgregor@hotmail.co.uk
u probs wont read this so theres no point me even telling ya but anyway its der
Hey, I love u soooooooo Much Jamie Lynn and I wish U were my Girlfriend and i want to meet u real soon email me johnny08_@hotmail.com
You know what jamie, people shouldn't ask you for your e-mail i think it is wrong! And some of the stuff they say are grossning! Well i think people should leave you alone about your phone number and stuff. I also hope you and you family are safe and ok! Cause i would not like anything happening to you or your family!
Christopher is gay and he is a dork he does not no the true meaning of hot chicks like Jamie-Lynn he likes boys lol
Christopher is gay and he is a dork he does not no the true meaning of hot chicks like Jamie-Lynn he likes boys lol
Christopher is a dork he does not no the true meaning of hot chicks like Jamie-Lynn he likes boys lol
Christopher Is A dork and does not lyke chicks like Jamie-Lynn, wat a fruit.he probs lykes boys
Hi Jamie, I used to speak to you on bebo but you got harrassed to much and you quit.
Go to this link http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MyProfile=Y if you go here and the person I was talking on bebo wasn't a fake then you'd know who I am.
If you want to contact me you by sending me an email or creating a new account on bebo, but saying your name is something else but showing the display picture you last had on your old account.
P.s Do reply.
Yo Zoey How come I cant email u? U can email me but i can`t email u. I was wondering were is this (Westeurop�ische Sommerzeit) u sent it in ur email 2 me.
Yo Jamie-Lynn How come I cant email u? U can email me but i can`t email u. I was wondering were is this (Westeurop䩳che Sommerzeit) u sent it in ur email 2 me.
P.s Sorry bout the last message lol Email me Again.
Jamie Please email me johnny08_@hotmail.com
I love you Jamie lynn ! You look so nice on Zoey 101 i wish that we could meet sometime i doubt you will ever read this but call 01403 265252
I come from britain!
please email me at samcar14@hotmail.com
Please email me at samcar14@hotmail.com u are the hottest girl in the world
Hi jamie, just wanna say that u r so pretty and i wish that i looked like u!!!!!! If u wana talk 2 me then u can email me at immielavell@aol.com
luv ya show aswell!!!
Immie xox xox xox xox xox xox
Hi I come from Britain I love your show Zoey 101 it's my fave tv show if u have the time e-mail me my addy is crazyskyline@hotmail.co.uk
When I started watching Zoey 101 my life changed 4 ever, I think u r sooooooooo cool and funny.Question:Don't u get tired of people asking 4 ur autogrph? if u av time e-mail me with da answer my addy is crazyskyline@hotmail.co.uk.
P.S I find u very attractive.
i fogot 2 put in im hooked on Zoey 101.
see ya.
hi remeber talkin to u on wedensday or thursday an add me plzplz bad_boys132@hotmail.com fanx u
i luv u
My name is Martin and i`m from Sweden.
Yeah whatever :). I watch your show Zoey 101, it`s so cool. You doing a great job and keep up the good work ^^. Feel free to email me and take good care of you. Greetings Martin
hi jamie i think yr sooo mint i watch yr show every day [bets show eva].will u plzzzzzzzzzz email me
hi its me again i wnt stop email u intil i get yr addy coz i wood do any thin 2 meet plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz email me bk jeddrowlands@hotmail.com
hey! i luv jamie lynn, if AnYOnE has jamie lynn, amanda bynes or MKandAsh olsens email addresses, I WILL LUV U FOREVER AND U WILL MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST GRL ON THE PLANNET!!!!!!! thanks!!so plz, email me!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)
Hi Jamie, I love your show on Zoey 101 like other girls my age. Please tell me your e-mail address. I really want to e-mail you. I am your #1 fan!
Hi Jamie
I love ur show zoey 101!!
Ur so beautiful and i dream every night of metting u!!!
Please email me back my address is chrisrooney8@hotmail.co.uk
hi, my name is Theo and im 7 years old. My mum has given me permission to contact you. I would really like to know Jamie Lynn Spears e.mail address as im a big fan of Zoey 101. Could you please e.mail it to me at natashajaynemiller@hotmail.com. Thanks
Hey, jamie, if ur reading this then i hoped u had a great b-day, sorry i was late to say that,lol.
anyway, id really luv to meet yall, u and ur zoey 101 cast, oh im 11 and i luv u and ur show.
and my email is princessmariam1994@hotmail.com, if u ever want to hav a chat, but if u do ill need urs, lol. anyway, nice chatting to ya.
luv ya, mariam xxxxxxx
p.s. by the way, im a gal,lol. mwa mwa mwa xxxxx
Hi guys! I want to say that i watch zoey101 religiously and i love jamie lynn! but have u noticed how she never replys back 2 none of ur comments? If this site isnt meant for jamie to contact back then i'm being a shithead but if it is talk to alxa instead coz she replys back. At least I think she does
Jamie please read this and think of the number of good times you could have with me. I feel that your beauty is astonishing and I wonder how somebody could get to be so sexy. Please email me at jonspary@hotmail.co.uk, it would not only make my day but make my life worth living. Whenever I see you on the television or on the internet I think how amazing t would be to meet you.
Please read this Ms Spears,
Thank you,
hi im stu, im 13 the same age as you i know you wont read this because you would not come over to buckinghamshire which is in england so i would like to say that is if you do read this that you are the most perfect girl for me,your sexy ,i get inbarist from my little brother because he takes the pee of me because i have feelings for you im not a geek ,i have not had a girl friend before so don t take as a geekijust wish you would be mine so dont throw this I LOVE YOU JAIME-LYNN SPEARS if you dont want to be my girl friend then all i would ask is to your friend please call 07944373834 luv you jaime
Hi, im Jon, im about 9 months younger than you, but we can make it work ;). just so you know, i have a very good sense of humour and i will help and support you in all decisions you make. i will cheer you up when your down, and i will do whatever you want me to. i know you must get this all the time, but just take a chance with me - you never know-it could end up making us both very happy. contact me at jonspary@hotmail.co.uk PLEASE. YOU MAKE MY LIFE WORTH LIVING.
Hello i love your show r know on the last epodie of zoey 101 will there be a 3rd seson and tell us if zoey found out about chase loving her plz tell me and i want to be your penpal
i r so hot if u got time and got a e mail addres plz plz plz if u wan't to get back to me it's reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz plz plz read and add to contact me at reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz jamie lynn spears plz plz i just won't to speak to u and yeah i want to know why do u live i live in london where do u plz go to add reecewright@hotmail.co.uk
i r so hot if u got time and got a e mail addres plz plz plz if u wan't to get back to me it's reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz plz plz read and add to contact me at reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz jamie lynn spears plz plz i just won't to speak to u and yeah i want to know why do u live i live in london where do u plz go to add reecewright@hotmail.co.uk
i r so hot if u got time and got a e mail addres plz plz plz if u wan't to get back to me it's reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz plz plz read and add to contact me at reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz jamie lynn spears plz plz i just won't to speak to u and yeah i want to know why do u live i live in london where do u plz go to add reecewright@hotmail.co.uk
i r so hot if u got time and got a e mail addres plz plz plz if u wan't to get back to me it's reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz plz plz read and add to contact me at reecewright@hotmail.co.uk plz jamie lynn spears plz plz i just won't to speak to u and yeah i want to know why do u live i live in london where do u plz go to add reecewright@hotmail.co.uk
hey, j lynn could u plz send me a email at cidavid@aol.com. every time i watch your show i dont notice anything else but u , soooooo plz email. luv conor david
hey, j lynn could u plz send me a email at cidavid@aol.com. every time i watch your show i dont notice anything else but u , soooooo plz email. luv conor david
p.s im 14
hey, j lynn could u plz send me a email at cidavid@aol.com. every time i watch your show i dont notice anything else but u , soooooo plz email. luv conor david
p.s im 14
please please please email me jonspary@hotmail.com i think that your beauty is overwhelming and i would really like to get in touch, and possibly meet you. please read this j lynn
please please please email me jonspary@hotmail.com i think that your beauty is overwhelming and i would really like to get in touch, and possibly meet you. please read this j lynn
please please please email me jonspary@hotmail.com i think that your beauty is overwhelming and i would really like to get in touch, and possibly meet you. please read this j lynn
hey jamie ur show is great and i always watch it lol. i would love to speak to you so if ya so msn me lol
Hi, I love you so much because of YOU, not just your looks although they help ;) . Im about 3 months older than you, but close enough. Please contact me at jonspary@hotmail.co.uk
jamie lynn how old r u? cos sometimes i see that u r 14 and sometimes 15
I am a your italian fun. Yuo have Msn? my mail is alessfont@libero.it
jamie i love you
HEY i soooo luv ur tv show and everything im ur biggest biggest fan eva..
luv cathy xx
Will you go out with me pleeease i love you so much and your so hot
hi im 1 of ur biggest fans here and i think ur realli kool and do u wnt my msn addy its foxykim13@hotmail.co.uk fanx luv me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oh yeh zoey 101 is class
hi jamie my name is adnan im a muslim i like ur show keep it up
hi jamie my name is adnan im a muslim i like ur show keep it up i added u is dat ur mail jamielynnspears@hotmail.com
Hi Jamie,
I just want you to know that I think your're amazing. Not just because of your looks, although they help ;), but because of your personality. If you email me at jonspary@hotmail.co.uk, we could get to know each other, im sure we'll both be happy for it :). Please,
hello, you guys sicken me i am sir alans son and whats up (o i luv u jamie ) cut it out ok it dont work hey jamie your a awsome actor n i like that in a person
Hi Jamie Lynn. My name is Scott and i have sent you a lette rin the post i hope you like it. I would just like to say since i found this site that you are the perfect girl in my eyes. Do you wana go out with me even though i live in the U.K?
hey jamie i really love your show it is my fav...i would love to have a sister just like you...but please e mail me back at kcox20@sc.rr.com...love ya!!!
Hey zoey! You totally rock! your show is sooooo awesome! I just watched it last night. the one when yall all pass out by the coconut aroma and get stranded on the beach. If only I had your email address. Please send me it. PPPPLLLLEEEEZZZ! I would love to chat with you.
Hey zoey! You totally rock! your show is sooooo awesome! I just watched it last night. the one when yall all pass out by the coconut aroma and get stranded on the beach. If only I had your email address. Please send me it. PPPPLLLLEEEEZZZ! I would love to chat with you.
hiya jamie you r soooooo cool i had ur msn but u deleted me plz can u add me again im a huge fan
p.s. im 12
oh yea forgot happy b day even tho its a bit late lmao i live in the uk
i love you jamie i think you are perfect in every way. i am everything you want in a man so please email me jonspary@hotmail.co.uk
Hi Jamie,
i know that u mite not actually go on this but if you do then i would just like to say i think ur r a gr8 talented actress and i hope that i will c u in many more shows and films apart from Zoey101 which i luv
luv ash
hey jamie i think your show is great i love the way u try to stik up for the girls even on your first day remember da basket ball when u had to verse da boys even though u lost u are still awsome u wernt tryin to beat dem and showoff u were tryin to make a point and i respect dat and oh yeah if u want to chat on msn u can add me if u want my email address is zainab_noorkhan1494@hotmail.co.uk but i doubt dat u will because u got loads of fans but please go on msn and add me i really want to speak to u i think your da best from zainab your could be friend
hey jamie i think your show is great i love the way u try to stik up for the girls even on your first day remember da basket ball when u had to verse da boys even though u lost u are still awsome u wernt tryin to beat dem and showoff u were tryin to make a point and i respect dat and oh yeah if u want to chat on msn u can add me if u want my email address is zainab_noorkhan1494@hotmail.co.uk but i doubt dat u will because u got loads of fans but please go on msn and add me i really want to speak to u i think your da best from zainab your could be friend
after saying hi i want to thank the good for gaven me this life and second to my family and thrid to my sweet angel Jamie lynn spears
i have wwrote a billons of peoms to you i have your e-mail i wish you can read just one peom.
IT'S ...
***Hard Choice***
Irrigate me love and irrigate me farewell
If I waiting the pain and leaves the pain...
The life are moved, But the traumatism are stays
Choose the hard choice leaving or staying
Don't tell me your level
Come to me with your love or saying goodbye
This is the flower of your air this is your traumatism give me my soul my master or take it
What I have from my life my years left with you my sweet heart
Choice the hard choose leaving or staying
Don't fluctuate on my love
My smiles are tears and my silent are my talk
Open you hands for my sun and for my nightfall
Kohl your eyes from my tears pastiness
And love the solicitude inside me that if you want me
Choice the hard choose leaving or staying
David Backter.
Thank you....
after saying hi i want to thank the good for gaven me this life and second to my family and thrid to my sweet angel Jamie lynn spears
i have wwrote a billons of peoms to you i have your e-mail i wish you can read just one peom.
IT'S ...
***Hard Choice***
Irrigate me love and irrigate me farewell
If I waiting the pain and leaves the pain...
The life are moved, But the traumatism are stays
Choose the hard choice leaving or staying
Don't tell me your level
Come to me with your love or saying goodbye
This is the flower of your air this is your traumatism give me my soul my master or take it
What I have from my life my years left with you my sweet heart
Choice the hard choose leaving or staying
Don't fluctuate on my love
My smiles are tears and my silent are my talk
Open you hands for my sun and for my nightfall
Kohl your eyes from my tears pastiness
And love the solicitude inside me that if you want me
Choice the hard choose leaving or staying
David Backter.
Thank you....
omg, ur all stupid fuks...as if she will read any of this...stupid ppl...wat they will say for hot chicks
hello my name is fernando my email is fer2441@hotmail.com i`m born argentina i`m 16 years vamos todavia le ganamos 2 a 1 a costa de marfil jajaja ojala ganemos la fifa world cup i licke the fotball is my pasion are biutiful yimie lynn spears no se hablar good en inglish yimie lynn spears are biutiful and good work the zoey 101 very good go argentina win the world cup they are in the party jajaja ojala la verdad que no creo nada de esto my friend no saben que nunca van a leer esto es una farsa bueno good bye my friends suertes
go argentina champions the mundial de fotball yes champions
hello i`m jamie lynn spears my email is jamie101@hotmail.com good bye I lavios
quisiera que me enviaras un mensaje a mi email alvino_carlos@hotmail.com
hey you guys its jamie here im starting new zoey 101 episods would any one like to be in it if they do email me on jamie101@hotmail.com or nik11@hotmail.co.uk good luck bye xx
I like your show so much!this is my email is peps_chido_1@hotmail.com I wan�t to be your friend thanks.
I like your show so much!this is my email is peps_chido_1@hotmail.com I wan?t to be your friend thanks.
Please sent me yout msn add me peps_chido_1@hotmail.com
Please sent me yout msn add me peps_chido_1@hotmail.com
Please sent me yout msn add me peps_chido_1@hotmail.com
Please sent me your msn add me peps_chido_1@hotmail.com
Please sent me your msn add me peps_chido_1@hotmail.com
o hi i give you the rong direction is peps_chido_01@hotmail.com please add me
hi jaime a im jose, i know that you not even now me I think i am a completly looser because i am tring to talk whith you you are a famouse celebrity and i are nothing, i only whant to know your email, i know you are bussy and all that things but i only whanth ti be your friend to talk whith you. i don't whant to make you angry or something like that, i don't whant to waist your time riding this but please jaime add me pepe_chido_01@hotmail.com i not like other people, please jaime don�t see me like a desesperate fan i only what to be your friend...... ok thank you jaime i am bat in speling sorry if i have bat letter and if you rite this i hope you can be my friend, to talk one day, please thaik care, sorry jaime for waisting your time. jose
please answered me i will cry!!!!!!
ok i think this well be the last mail i wride because i don't whant to bother you and waist your time, ok this is funny because i wride 3 mails in 1 day i am very inmpacient, o and sorry for al that directions i wrode i only whant to sant you 1 mesange put i don't get it and I sent you al that directions but please don't get mat or angry i see your show it was new episodes, but i whant to be your friend and i hope you can answered me thanks. jose
hi i am bid fan of yours please chat to meeee and email meeeeeeee remeber keep it up!!!!!!!!
I love Jamie so much and I have been on all her websites and I so want to meet her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi its dicxi again well i am a BIG FAN of yours but it will be a pleasure is u add mee on your msn it will be nice for u to send message but one more time good luck and keep working hard.
thanks and please email me.it will such fun to chat with u
O hi Jamie anothr time i only whant to ask you a qhick question you was in a page name ring surf because i read a mail that said that you was sad because the posers i don't know what is a poser but i am sure i not a poser i thing and you was sad very sad please don't get sad!!!!or angry!!!or both things!!! and another that say that you don't whant to talk whith strangers i know i am a stranger but a good stranger jejeje ok bye see you later thake care.
sory for my bat spelling hehe i don't know how to wride X.d
LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
jamie lynn i love u so much i am 1 of ur greatest fanssssss plz email me foxykim13@hotmail.co.uk
fanx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jamie lynn i love u so much i am 1 of ur greatest fanssssss plz email me foxykim13@hotmail.co.uk
fanx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jamie lynn i love u so much i am 1 of ur greatest fanssssss plz email me foxykim13@hotmail.co.uk
fanx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jamie you are my childhood hero!you are so beautiful on Zoey 101 and everywhere else you go.you're the reason i begged my parents for a bigscreen TV.my name is william flanagan.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL.you are the greatest!!!
Dear Jamie,
It's me william again i just wanted to sayhi and hope you're doing good. I LOVE YOU!!!
Dear Jamie,
It's me william again i just wanted to say hi and hope you're doing good. I LOVE YOU!!!
I Love Zoey 101 and i would really love 2 be in he series because it is excellent and i would love series 3 2 come out soon!!!!!!!
hey its william again.i was wondering if you had a boyfriend?
hey jamie i love your show sinds i began to watch zoey 101 i'm trying to find your email address to ask you some things and talk to you so if you wan't you can talk to me here nielsneal_hotmail.com
he jamie lynn spears if someone talks about what i wrote please tell me.
o and my name is niels andres durand niebles
hey jamie, I'm Brett anyways i think its cool u have a show and everything and i was wondering if u wanted to be friends? if so please e-mail me at brett.roach25@hotmail.com thanks for reading this message please e-mail me
Hello jamie lynn spears. I hope u are doing ok. I heard about your big sister that she just got married. I under stand you cant go out with guy till u are 16. I just need to ask u something. Can u help me be an acter? I now it kinda sound stuped but i just want to be on because when i was acting in church for 4 years I started to like it. Please help me im 15 years old and my birthday is April 15. My email address is jondc2004@yahoo.com. I hope u get this please. I like your show zoey101. I think its a great show and onee other thing i live in Meridian MS so just wanted to tell u that. I under stand that u are always buzzy acting and I wish I was doing the same. Well i wish u can tell me how is Brittany's little boy. I bet its a cute thing. I hope u get this messege. Please write me back your email me. My email address again is jondc2004@yahoo.com. Hope i can talk to u soon. Bye
Hello jamie lynn spears. I hope u are doing ok. I heard about your big sister that she just got married. I under stand you cant go out with guy till u are 16. I just need to ask u something. Can u help me be an acter? I now it kinda sound stuped but i just want to be on because when i was acting in church for 4 years I started to like it. Please help me im 15 years old and my birthday is April 15. My email address is jondc2004@yahoo.com. I hope u get this please. I like your show zoey101. I think its a great show and onee other thing i live in Meridian MS so just wanted to tell u that. I under stand that u are always buzzy acting and I wish I was doing the same. Well i wish u can tell me how is Brittany's little boy. I bet its a cute thing. I hope u get this messege. Please write me back your email me. My email address again is jondc2004@yahoo.com. Hope i can talk to u soon. Bye
hi jamie...
omg i absoultly love your show: zoe 101...
i soo wish i were you! But i have a problem; i really love your hair but i cant decide how to get it cut, also i have blue eye and want browm(but i know i cant change them):(. Lastly i used to be a tomboy but now i want to become morwe girly but i'm afraid of what people will think of me...
you are the best...
jamie im madly in love with you
Hi your show is pretty cool i see it al the time and i am jose pleas ansewered me
jamie jamie lamie you are so fine your the hottest girl in the world. i love you
Jamie i love you, you are so co beutiful and cool, and i love your show too I am your big big fan, please ansewered me. You are the best. My e-mail is the-hit-mans@hotmail.com.
hi jamie
a can from sweden so my english maybe i`sent som good:)
your pograme is so good!
can you email to me?
O hi Jamie please i whant to know something important very important email me to peps_chido_01@hotmail.com is important i am jose and thanks.
hey jamie i want to do my hair the same u hae yours done but i wondered if u could email me please englishhottie2004@yahoo.com if really could that would make my day u a my idol well gtg bye.
love ya,sophie
p.s. please email with your hair tips and hair color
hey jamie i want to do my hair the same u have yours done but i wondered if u could email me please englishhottie2004@yahoo.com if really could that would make my day u a my idol well gtg bye.
love ya,sophie
p.s. please email with your hair tips and hair color
hey jamie i want to do my hair the same u have yours done but i wondered if u could email me please englishhottie2004@yahoo.com if really could that would make my day u a my idol well gtg bye.
love ya,sophie
p.s. please email with your hair tips and hair color
hey jamie i want to do my hair the same u have yours done but i wondered if u could email me please englishhottie2004@yahoo.com if really could that would make my day u a my idol well gtg bye.
love ya,sophie
p.s. please email with your hair tips and hair color
hi i love to get the same style of ur hair and hair color if your not busy email me at orlando_magic_goodies@yahoo.com really please please please thank u if could bye jamie my one and only idol bye.
love u sophie
hi i love to get the same style of ur hair and hair color if your not busy email me at orlando_magic_goodies@yahoo.com really please please please thank u if could bye jamie my one and only idol bye.
love u sophie
i would read this page everytime i felt like kicking someones ass cause this is funny shit everybody wants to give you there email address and then they fell like idiots when they wait by the computer for you to email them back when they no u never will
from ?????????
i would read this page everytime i felt like kicking someones ass cause this is funny shit everybody wants to give you there email address and then they fell like idiots when they wait by the computer for you to email them back when they no u never will
from ?????????
Hi jamie. Im libbi and im from the United Kingdom. I think you are really pretty and you are very good at acting. :) Please can you email me because i think it would be fantastic talking on msn to a famous person! My email addy is: lovely_libbi@hotmail.co.uk. Thank you Jamie.
From libbi xxxx
PS can i have some style tips and how to get a good boyfriend!
Hi i am jamie, yes-the real one! I am rlly fed up with ppl pretending 2 b me! It is impossible 4 anybody else 2 b me, coz i hav never been on any of my fansites b4. If u want a message passed on 2 me then e-mail my best friend at immielavell@aol.com! She is a super gal so plz dont b mean 2 her. Thanx guys!
Love u all!
Jamie xox
Jamie please answere me is important not to important but is importan peps_chido_01@hotmail.com
Hi!!!i'm from singapore and i'm 13 this year and i'm your biggest fan.I love u cause your hot,a good teen and you are a good actress. Please,please send me an e-mail at this address badboyz_baron@hotmail.com.I really want to have a chat with you. Love from your biggest fan Baron.
Hallo, big bikini girl. I ferm Russiaski big boy. I see you in yeloww bikini on boat. Sexy belly. Nice belly buton rieng to.
Hallo, big bikini girl. I ferm Russiaski big boy. I see you in yeloww bikini on boat. Sexy belly. Nice belly buton rieng to.
a love jamie may like zoey 101
hi jamie i just wana say that u are just a complete
legend!!!!!!!i love ur show zoey 101 and if u werent in it i wouldnt be watchin it and do u have msn if u do can u send me ur msn address plzzzzzzzz.FROM UR BIGGEST FAN EVER JAMES
hey whats up would u send me an email plz
hi i am kenya you are so cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllll i am 9 i now young bye
can u talk to me
can u come to my sports day on friday plz at toowoomba middle ridge state school if u do my name is jacob findlay and can u plz go out with me plz i think u pritty
can u send me measages on my email jfind4@eq.edu.au i have your sisters email adress it is brit02@hotmail.com plz send me mesages during the day plz. will u go out with me i hope u say yes because u are the only one i like and i get asked out by other girls and i say no because i like u.
hey jamie,
I no this probably wont work but im going to give it a go any way but if you do have msn could you please add me coz i would love to talk to you.
Thanks love Aaron
Oh yeah soz i for got to add my email adress its ajsandys@msn.com
Wow Jamie Lynn Spears i love your show
im your #1 fan i never mised a show in my life so
e-mail me back ok i loved the one when you were so close to kiss sean aka chase but dustin aka
paulhad to mes it up my favorit person is you and chase what happend to the continue when you went to mathew aka logan's house? I wanted to see what happends but you guys never putt a nother part for it oh im terning 10 i think Logan Aka mathew is kinda hot if your not dating bye show jamie......oh my name is Shanice..i live in canada l1v 3n6 1953 park side dr. i hope you have a contest when you putt your bigget fans call me pickering (905-831-6493...
you know me shanice my e-mail is dinny_3@hotmail.com
you know me shanice my e-mail is dinny_3@hotmail.com
your sexy do you want to have it with me i love you you hou fucking ass chic you
your sexy do you want to have it with me i love you you hou fucking ass chic you
Hey Jamie Love Ya So Much I Talked 2 U On MSN 2 Day
hi jamie!!u r hot,cool,beautiful and perfect!!!mail ma plezzzzzzzzze Wwefan030qyahoo.de
hya jamie i no it a long shot and people say diz all the time but i ave gt a lot of feeling 4 u lool im no pervert im a 15 year old lad from england and i just want to let u no dat what u do u r gr8 at it i no it souns silly about me likeing some1 of the t.v but u no just to let u no i am a model for jjb sports lool
i think yr amzing and i no it would nevre happen copz i live so far away its just i would love to c u sometime
have fun filming zoey 101 1 of da best shows on t.v
lvya your new best friend grant
hiya i always watch zoey 101 i love the show and i think u r the best person on the show u r really good as a actress i would love to talk to u over msn so i can learn more about zoey 101 and so i can really get to know u more so this is my e-mail account....netty-lova@hotmail.com so if u can please add me cause i really want to get to know u .
thank you jamie lynn spears byebye
hey zoe i emailed you erlier u never erturned it i mite have thr wrong one i was just wondering iv you could send an email to jono_2k3@hotmail.com and let me know your aswell i dont mean 2 bother you i just think your really gr8 and would love 2 talk 2 you , not lyk meet each other just to ahve a normall conversation please dont ignore this coment thankyou x x x
hii jamie..(if u are the real 1)
i just wanted to say that i think you�re show is the best and u are a great actress!!
also i think its kl u meake fansites 4 you�re fans..well i know every1 tries to contact u and u cant reply to every1..but i would apreciate it if u would send me a little message (if u want) robertpladet@hotmail.com well bye jamie take care(k)
I love Jamie Lynn Spears! Zoey 101 is my can't miss show! I've always wanted to be an actress and your the 1 I look up to!
Brittany (Your future best friend)
I love Jamie Lynn Spears! Zoey 101 is my can't miss show! I've always wanted to be an actress and your the 1 I look up to!
Brittany (Your future best friend)
plz jamie add my msn
plz jamie add my msn it is xx-dee_06-07-xx@hotmail.com
plz jamie add my msn it is xx-dee_06-07-xx@hotmail.com
Ur all dumbasses i talk 2 her on msn n she never goes on these things
I LOVE YOU! I have always wanted to be an actress. Anyway, please could you email me? You are my idol and I love you more than anyone (not in a sick way) Anyways please email me at monkeyfrog25@gmail.com, email me!
hi jamie i invited you for my orkut you are wonderful accited ok with love thomaz
Hey everyone! My name is Jamie. (No I'm not Jamie Lynn) Lol! anyways, this probably isn't Jamie lynn really... and if it is shes probably really extremely busy... If you guys are real fans of her and her show Zoey 101, you would know that shes busy. And if everyone wants a new season to come out I would stop bothering her and just lay off for a while... Ok!!!... Bye.
P.S. When you get the time, If you are really Jamie Lynn then can you please e-mail me and/or add me on MSN? At: xox_punk_xox@hotmail.com!!! Thank youu(L) but if I am getting in your way of working then just please let me know!
Thanks your an awesome Actress!!
hi im from the uk i have been looing every were for the msn address of jamie lynn spears. if the address is known by anybody here, could they please e-mail it to me at wilkes1992@hotmail.com
much thanks
I LOve Britney Spears
>David H Backster
jamie you rock.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1nothing alse to say .
love dicxi
jamie you rock.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1nothing alse to say .
love dicxi
hey sexy
i love you soooo much its unbeleevable
please email jonspary@hotmail.co.uk
hi jamie u are real fit could u plz add me to ur msn if uy have it thanxs
our love you jamie lynn I`m Rodrigo and bebeto I`m brzil is penambuco I�m dont know speak english. I LOVE YOU JAMIE LYNN SPEARS! KISS
hey jamie can u send a picture of u naked to google
can i have sex with u xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo please sexy moma
i watch u change every day and night
jamie you are so hottttttttttttttttt gimme your phone number.email me at ahhh.cobras@gmail.com please
jamie you are so hottttttttttttttttt gimme your phone number.email me at ahhh.cobras@gmail.com please
jamie you are so hottttttttttttttttt gimme your phone number.email me at ahhh.cobras@gmail.com please
jamie you are so hottttttttttttttttt gimme your phone number.email me at ahhh.cobras@gmail.com please
hey jamie lynn i rweally like you will you plz reply to me im not like these other boys saying that i love you i dont love you i just really like you and want to have a little chat with you plz can you reply to me plz
hey jamie lynn i rweally like you will you plz reply to me im not like these other boys saying that i love you i dont love you i just really like you and want to have a little chat with you plz can you reply to me plz
hey jamie, you obviously dont know me lol. dosn't all this like stalker attention get anoying after a while. i mean how could ppl love you when they dont even know you. im canadian so there is probrobly no chance that ill ever get to even meet you but i guy can dream i suppose. ne wayz if your ever in canada and u just wanna chill with a normal guy your own age that won't droole over everything you do, give me a call ;) shoppingkart_pimp@hotmail.com
hey jamie lynn i'm 16 years old i watch your show every time its on and i would like to have a chat with you i have fallen out with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago lol i think it was because i wont shut up about you lol any way will u plz try to reply to plzplzplz from john xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi jamie lynn i'm 16 years old i'd like to have a chat with you if thats ok i'v fallen out with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago and it takes to long to change my name lol i think she fell out with me cause i wont shut up about you lol any way can u plz reply to me plzpzlplz from john john-luvin-kirsty@hotmail.co.uk
hi jamie lynn i'm 16 years old i'd like to have a chat with you if thats ok i'v fallen out with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago and it takes to long to change my name lol i think she fell out with me cause i wont shut up about you lol any way can u plz reply to me plzpzlplz from john john-luvin-kirsty@hotmail.co.uk
hi jamie lynn i'm 16 years old i'd like to have a chat with you if thats ok i'v fallen out with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago and it takes to long to change my name lol i think she fell out with me cause i wont shut up about you lol any way can u plz reply to me plzpzlplz from john john-luvin-kirsty@hotmail.co.uk
please e mail me its jamierapten__7777@hotmail.com
hey i love your show its the best show ive ever watched your awesome oh and will they ever have a show where you go out with chase or sean flynn Caseyestes@hotmail.com
hey zoey u r a nice ur eyes r so beautiful u r beautiful i wish i live in california so i can vist u email me at farrari360@hotmail.com
Hi your hot how old are u want to go out e-mail me please your phone number please love u kiss kiss p.s.hows your sister doing tell her i said hi love,
Mystery email me and ill tell u my name!
you are so hot and cute looking Jamie.I love you!
You are so hot Jamie! I love you so much! If you ever want to go out with me let me know. I think you are the cutiest girl on Earth! Love you!
you are hot
hey jamie!!i really like zoey101 and im a BIG BIG BIG FAN of you and yr characters especially logan.pls email me plspls at funky_love05@hotmail.com i luv ya swtyxxxx
I want to have sex with you i hump my bed when ever i see you and get naked
I want to have sex with you i hump my bed when ever i see you and get naked
i am alex please get naked jamie lynn i love you
hey jamie i am a big fan i wacht your show when it is on u r the best.if u want to talk to me try me at bigalsmcbadbats@yahoo.com hope we can talk by.
hey jamie can u plz send me a mesage on my account plz.U r the best,I even watch your show Zoey 101,when is the new season coming?when u get a chance can u plz send your answer to this e-mail adress,bigalsmcbadbats.hoe u get my mesage and i hope i get yours.bye
i meant to say hope at the end srry.
i meant to say hope at the end srry.
i masturbate to you on a daily bases and would love to meet you
im only 14 so im not a pedophile
obviously zoey101 is a great show to jackoff to because your so hot just watched it and i did what i usually do when i see your show
i masturbate to you on a daily bases and would love to meet you
im only 14 so im not a pedophile
obviously zoey101 is a great show to jackoff to because your so hot just watched it and i did what i usually do when i see your show
you are so sexy plz show the boob
im daniel from israel and i think that the second season ended like it did bicause jamey did not want to kiss ''chaise''
im daniel from israel and i think that the second season ended like it did bicause jamey did not want to kiss ''chaise'' im 15 and jamey is hot
Your Boobs are Hot!!!!!!!!!
Your Boobs are Hot!!!!!!!!!
Your pups are Hot!!!!!!!
hi jamielinn you may think im weird but im not if i had 1 wish i woulh wish to meet you send me an email
Hey Jamie. I am 13 and I watch your show and it is pretty cool. I am glad that you have good morals and values on your show because kids our age don't get too much of that anymore. It would be really cool to meet you but I highly doubt that will happen because, as we all know, you are a very busy woman with many important things to do. Although I don't know you on a personal scale, I will say that you are one of the most beautiful, kind, and humble people I know.
Keep up the good work,
Hello Jamie
Them you are hot!!!
Iam a 18 yers old boy from Norway
I have seen evre episode of Zoey
and i just can tell how mutch i love you!!!
hey u wont email me but oh well...
mark x
oh well =P!
From: A tard who thinks that Jamie is going to chat with him =D
Hi Jamie.. I just want to ask u about things like how its like to be an acter =)
Please add me at MSN if u want to ^^
show me your boobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call me please jamie my number is 951-515-8253 thanks jamie bye bye godbless you.
Yo iv'e seen you with your boyfriend that nigga is fucking ugly as hell u should dump that b***h
oh yea i see your show and dam you look so dam hot i just wish i could see you naked
I L.O.V.E YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo iv'e seen you with your boyfriend that nigga is fucking ugly as hell u should dump that b***h
oh yea i see your show and dam you look so dam hot i just wish i could see you naked
I L.O.V.E YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hiiiiiiiiiii and heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllloooooooooooooooooo
hey jamie i love you soooooooooo much i want to ask you a qestion how do you feel about your sister shaveing her head? email me back plzzz plzzz
hello jamie iwant ti say youre pretty and awesome actress and have a great happy birthday and can you give me youre email address please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi jamie i love u u r my idol i was wondering if i could av ur e-mail adress or somfing cuz i wanna email u just wanted to let u no mi birthday is the 4th of april as well how kwl is that oh and i hope britney is ok and i was looking at some of ur pics sean is so cute lov ya love bethan
hey jamie
how r u?
i luv zoey 101 and am hooked onto it!
i would love to meet you some day
umm anywayzz have a great one
email me if you get the chance
Luv Misha
u r amazingly HOT .i LOVE yor shows.
this is the sound of me & u (uh,uh,uhhaaa,haaha,uhhu,hah,hah,hah,hah).u r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn seeeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxifying.fuk me please.i wana fuk u all over .o me you should b togeter!my names CJ. please fuk me?put ur pussy n mi sight giv me ur heart. come tu Marion IL tu meat me please. il b waiting.
u r soo pretty jamie give me ur addi plz i am ur no 1 fam
HEY CJ! i bet if i meet u i'll fall in love wif u! u must be a very sexy person to say that!! i'll fuk u too death! and we'll get cute babies!
HEY CJ! i bet if i meet u i'll fall in love wif u! u must be a very sexy person to say that!! i'll fuk u too death! and we'll get cute babies!
hey everyone i am the real jamie lynn spears so dont ask well if u have any question u can comment me and i will answer them
hi zoey ur so hot.im from england and luv your show. plz get in touch to ryanjospehshields@hotmail.com. xxxxxxxx
hi zoey ur so hot.im from england and luv your show. plz get in touch to ryanjospehshields@hotmail.com. xxxxxxxx
hi zoey ur so hot.im from england and luv your show. plz get in touch to ryanjospehshields@hotmail.com. xxxxxxxx
hi zoey ur so hot.im from england and luv your show. plz get in touch to ryanjospehshields@hotmail.com. xxxxxxxx
hey whats up jamie im 17 years old and i watch your show once in a while its a pretty show i like it well anyways if you wanna talk more my email is hell_wolf666@hotmail.com al right se you later.
hey whats up jamie im 17 years old and i watch your show once in a while its a pretty good show i like it well anyways if you wanna talk more my email is hell_wolf666@hotmail.com al right se you later.
hey whats up jamie im 17 years old and i watch your show once in a while its a pretty good show i like it well anyways if you wanna talk more my email is hell_wolf666@hotmail.com al right se you later.
Hey Jamie i love u so much i watch Zoey 101 all da time but still i wanna know the real u please send me an e-mail or sumfing my e-mail adress is lil_man_kool@hotmail. thx :) ow nd im 14 not quite ur age lol but yeh still i wanna talk luv nathan
lol wow this is weird i think shes good looking but this is creepy
Jami please email me please and i'll tell you miley's email adress
Jami please email me please and i'll tell you miley's email adress
hey jamie my name is mikey im 17 and live in Cincinnati Ohio and i just wanted to let you know that I honestly think your the most beautiful girl ive seen and i watch your show whenever I have time haha and i bet your the nicest girl ever and my friends and I are playing a big show here in the city in august and would love if you could make an appearance i sure hope we could meet someday cuz Id love to get to know you. I'm a 3 sport athlete quarterback in football pitcher in baseball and shooting guard in basketball and im a singer in your bandd and would love to meet you
if you ever get this doubtful but id love to hear back from you
hey jamie my name is mikey im 17 and live in Cincinnati Ohio and i just wanted to let you know that I honestly think your the most beautiful girl ive seen and i watch your show whenever I have time haha and i bet your the nicest girl ever and my friends and I are playing a big show here in the city in august and would love if you could make an appearance i sure hope we could meet someday cuz Id love to get to know you. I'm a 3 sport athlete quarterback in football pitcher in baseball and shooting guard in basketball and im a singer in your bandd and would love to meet you
if you ever get this doubtful but id love to hear back from you
hey jamie
i love ur show can i pls have ur email address ????
Hey jamie! i suppose you have a wonderful life. i haven't! two of my friends just died in a car accident. And my grandma just passed away. you are a role model to me. you are someone who i could look up to. You are really beautiful and talented. i love your show! please contact me
my email address is
thank you! remember, always be yourself! don't trust anyone, only trust the people who are there for you and look up to you as a role model!
ok well i better go! it is 11.32pm in the UK! ok bye from ollie saunders age 13
Hi jamie i love u so much! email me at momoamir@hotmail.com so we can talk ok
hey jamie, your soooo hot
hey jamie, your soooo hot call me 780 819-9295
Hi Jamie my name is zoeyboy101 and i'm a new member could u send a welcum email just to make me feel more comfortable
Oh and also i'm from england and i'm 13 years old i have a dog called pasha who is a puppy long coated german shepherd.
just thought you'd like 2 know
luv zoeyboy101
Hi jamie its me agian sorry 2 bother u but i writ this poem 4 u
Just so caring
An angel sent from the high heavens
Most beautiful face ever seen on this planet
I believe i'm the one for u
Eyes like saphirres
Luv zoeyboy101
and don't think i'm being girly i only writ that because i care that much about u.
plz email me at jamesjosh@hotmail.co.uk
Hi Jamie, I don�t think that you�ll write me but i hope it! Maybe you can send me an e-mail or take me on your contactlist at MSN. My adress is mafiakiller8@web.de. I would be very happy because for me you are the most beaultiful lady on this world.
Hi Jamie, I don�t think that you�ll write me but i hope it! Maybe you can send me an e-mail or take me on your contactlist at MSN. My adress is mafiakiller8@web.de. I would be very happy because for me you are the most beaultiful lady on this world.
Hi Jamie, I don�t think that you�ll write me but i hope it! Maybe you can send me an e-mail or take me on your contactlist at MSN. My adress is mafiakiller8@web.de. I would be very happy because for me you are the most beaultiful lady on this world.
Hi Jamie, I don�t think that you�ll write me but i hope it! Maybe you can send me an e-mail or take me on your contactlist at MSN. My adress is mafiakiller8@web.de. I would be very happy because for me you are the most beaultiful lady on this world.
Hi Jamie, I don�t think that you�ll write me but i hope it! Maybe you can send me an e-mail or take me on your contactlist at MSN. My adress is mafiakiller8@web.de. I would be very happy because for me you are the most beaultiful lady on this world.
hey i sent u a message on ur myspace i u haven't responded but plz respond
Hi jamie please add me martin_axelsson@hotmail.com , i love you.You are
the hottest girl in the world and cutest please add me i would be very happy..
love you
ur r u ******* hot fuck me
hi jamei i love watching your show it amazing
do you have an msn address if so pleaze can i have it so i can talk to you some time.
hi jamei is your email address jamei101@hotmail.com if so is it an msn address pleaze write back to me my name is callum i love your show its amazing and your such a good actress
hi jamei is your email address jamei101@hotmail.com if so is it an msn address pleaze write back to me my name is callum i love your show its amazing and your such a good actress
hi jamei is your email address jamei101@hotmail.com if so is it an msn address pleaze write back to me my name is callum i love your show its amazing and your such a good actress
i really luv u
Jamie please send me an e-mail I'm from poland
Jamie please send me an e-mail I'm from poland michal1311@op.pl
Jamie please send me an e-mail I'm from poland michal1311@op.pl
hey im supposedly talking to u on myspace... is it really u?
hey i wanna become famous... can u help me out?
message me at camper_316@yahoo.com or message me on myspace at www.myspace.com/desi_ray
thank you bye
you guys are so gay she doesnt read this page what a bunch of creeps
hey jamie i think your so sexy and if u could email me your addy then i would like that
hey jamie i think your so sexy and if u could email me your addy then i would like that
hey jamie i think your so sexy and if u could email me your addy then i would like that
Hi there jamie i LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there Jamie my name is Ruan i LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie I think your very hot if you can maby give me a call i really want to talk to you 0790171494
hey jamie hows it goin im one of ur biggest fans ever and i watch ur show all the tie ur an amazing at actin ;) can u email me back would lock to talk 2 u
hey jamie hows it goin im one of ur biggest fans ever and i watch ur show all the tie ur an amazing at actin ;) can u email me back would lock to talk 2 u
hey jamie hows it goin im one of ur biggest fans ever and i watch ur show all the tie ur an amazing at actin ;) can u email me back would lock to talk 2 u
i love you jamie and britney. you and britney make a great team.before i liked britney but now i don't because she shaved her hair off.now i like you the most because i always watch zoey 101 and its great thanks to you!
hey whatz up? your sis is so stupit like you! of yor pics you are so ugly your friends are ugly too.
Hey Jamie huge fan haven't missed an episode, if you could add me on facebook or msn that would be GREAT!
simonghosh@hotmail.com, and just search simon ghosh on face book hope you do
sincerly- simon ghosh
and no im not GAY
Hey Jamie huge fan haven't missed an episode, if you could add me on facebook or msn that would be GREAT!
simonghosh@hotmail.com, and just search simon ghosh on face book hope you do
sincerly- simon ghosh
and no im not GAY
Hey Jamie huge fan haven't missed an episode, if you could add me on facebook or msn that would be GREAT!
simonghosh@hotmail.com, and just search simon ghosh on face book hope you do
sincerly- simon ghosh
and no im not GAY
hi jamie lynn please dont be like ur sister ur awsome dont ruin ur life!!!i love u jamie lynn dont screw up ur life make smart choices ever one who whatchs ur show loves u bye jamie
ps ur awsome dont do drugs
dont do drugs dont be like ur sister brittny i love u jamie make smart choices in life i watch ur show im ten ilove u jamie
email me at cowgirls200@yahoo.com PLEASE!!!!!! i hope u have a helthy baby can i have ur auto gragh
bye jamie
hi jamie i always watch u on zoey101 i was your fan and i still will be if u go on nickolodean and prounounce your pregnant please cause i love u man and i am 10 years old and tell the truth but if your not just say it man
p.s speak from the heart from nikki
i zoey 101 jamie please add me stylesp_25@hotmail.com
i zoey 101 jamie please add me stylesp_25@hotmail.com
dear jamie,
i think ur really amazin just i dont want u 2 end up like ur sis u dont hav 2 do somin crazy just 2 make the papers hav u on the front in my eyes n in alot of other peoples u hav alot mor scence n knolege then ur sis so u should use 4 stuff that will help u noot stuff that will help u follow in ur sisters footprints i want u to stay the same
Hey Jamie-Lynn,
I think that your an amazing person and no matter what they say in magazine's isn't what you youself knows. Only you know the truth. I know your only 16 years old and that your going to have a baby so I just hope that everything works out for the best and that your baby is healthy. I watch Zoey 101 all the time with my little cousin and for some reason I always thought you and chase would end up together. I'm not writing some crazy comment about how hot you are or that I want to meet you (although that would be awesome) I'm just hoping that you actually get this. I've been trying to find your sisters email address but I'm having some troubles. I will eventually. I just wanted to tell her that she is a great person too and that (not to be mean) she should be a mom to Jayden and Sean because there such cuties and I know she can be a good mom, she just needs someone to help her get there. It would awesome if we could send emails back and forth because your such a nice person and you have a wonderful smile. I hope everything turns out great and no matter what always keep a smile on your face. I have faith in you.
Ps. This is my email incase you do get a chance to read this really long comment. (and no its not a fake I'm am an honest person).
Hey Jamie-Lynn,
I think that your an amazing person and no matter what they say in magazine's isn't what you youself knows. Only you know the truth. I know your only 16 years old and that your going to have a baby so I just hope that everything works out for the best and that your baby is healthy. I watch Zoey 101 all the time with my little cousin and for some reason I always thought you and chase would end up together. I'm not writing some crazy comment about how hot you are or that I want to meet you (although that would be awesome) I'm just hoping that you actually get this. I've been trying to find your sisters email address but I'm having some troubles. I will eventually. I just wanted to tell her that she is a great person too and that (not to be mean) she should be a mom to Jayden and Sean because there such cuties and I know she can be a good mom, she just needs someone to help her get there. It would awesome if we could send emails back and forth because your such a nice person and you have a wonderful smile. I hope everything turns out great and no matter what always keep a smile on your face. I have faith in you.
Ps. This is my email incase you do get a chance to read this really long comment. (and no its not a fake I'm am an honest person).
I really like your show so much.Does Chase like you? How old are you? I'm 13yrs. I really your sister Britney Spears. I like her music when I was little
I really like your show so much.Does Chase like you? How old are you? I'm 13yrs. I really your sister Britney Spears. I like her music when I was little
I really like your show so much.Does Chase like you? How old are you? I'm 13yrs. I really your sister Britney Spears. I like her music when I was little
can i please have your phone number and your adress where you live i love you im a big fan of zoey 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i please have your phone number and your adress where you live i love you im a big fan of zoey 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jamie Lynn can u e-mail me my e-mail address is tater-bug-96@hotmail.com I am ur biggest fan!!!
wats up and what is your number and email me some pics of u
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