Fritos Trys to Lay Jay

There's a billboard campaign in Chicago for Fritos's Lays potato chips that claims Chicagoans "prefer the taste of Lay's over Jays." Chicago-based Jays isn't going to let Fritos off so easily and has sued Fritos for lying and wants Fritos to turn over the research Fritos supposedly did to back up its claim. The lawsuit claims Fritos is comparing their brand to a non existent, unflavored Jays potato chip brand but a visit to Jays website shows a bag of regular potato chips top on their product list. Unless you can call potato chips made out of potatoes, oil and salt unflavored, Jays definitely markets a brand of unflavored potato chips.
On Wednesday, a U.S. District judge said Fritos had to turn over its so-called research because the public has a right to know. Since Wednesday, Fritos has been unavailable for comment. Apparently, the entire company is involved in fielding a research study.
UPDATE: Jay beats Lays.