VOOM's Wrong Number: Stealth Campaign or Honest Dialing Error

Chicago-based freelance voice talent Tom O'Toole, has unwittingly found himself the recipient of phone calls from consumers hoping to sign up with the new VOOM satellite television service. O'Toole's studio phone number is 1-800-789-TOMO (8666). The number in a currently running VOOM ad is 1-866-789-VOOM (also 8666. Customers are reading "toll free" in the ad and automatically assuming it's an 800 number, not realizing VOOM's prefix is actually 866.

"I have been getting calls day and night from consumers seeing Voom's direct response TV commercial and calling 800-789-VOOM." said O'Toole in an email. "My studio number is 800-789-TOMO (8666). 8666 also spells Voom!"

"Callers don't believe me when I tell them I am not Voom, because I sound like a TV announcer. Duh!" Some even keep calling back again and again not believing they haven't reached 1 800 VOOM."

Reportedly, Voom Officials have been trying to track down the source of the confusion which may be caused by graphics overlays simply displaying call 800 GET VOOM, with no digit representation. Of course, this could also be an elaborately planned stealth campaign to promote both VOOM and or Tom O'Toole.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     May-19-04  


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