Kate Beckinsale Oozes Sexual Tingle for Diet Coke

"Van Helsing" beauty Kate Beckinsale, adorned in an alluring bikini, opens a Diet Coke while displaying her curves to ogling guys poolside. The Diet Coke can releases bubbles, apparently containing some sort of sexual pheromone, that float through the air and over the bodies of awe-struck guys causing them to tumble into the pool.

Also this week in Ad Age's TV Spots of the Week is a guy who becomes a fire breather after eating Dairy Queens spicy burger, five Chicklets spewing dirty words, a really mundane Energy Star commercial, a cereal whodunit from Kellog, a woman tears her clothes off in an elevator for SCA Hygiene Products and a bunch of grown sports professionals want to go out and play for Gatorade.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     May-17-04  


Hey! I am searching for the name of the swimsuit that Kate Beckinsale is wearing in her Diet Coke commercial. I am dying to have it! If you know please email me at blueprankster182@hotmail.com. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHH

Posted by: Alana on July 18, 2005 08:27 AM

Were you on crack when you posted this? Kate Beckinsale has no curves whatsoever, she wears a bathing suit to give one the illusion of having curves. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what happens when you become a cocksucking little crack whore like her.

Posted by: Sarah on January 22, 2006 10:18 PM

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