Adrants Goes to AD:Tech in San Francisco

From May 24 to May 26, Adrants will be in San Francisco covering AD:Tech, a new media and online marketing trade show, for both this website and for MarketingVOX. News will be provided in near real-time as a team of webloggers will be sitting in each of the sessions at the trade show. For the kind of coverage you can expect, look at the AD:Tech Blog from the November show in New York City.
Since Adrants is a shoe string operation and San Francisco hotels aren't cheap, a proposal is offered. For any interested company that pays Adrants' hotel bill, that company will receive free advertising and gracious promotion on this site and/or in the Adrants Daily newsletter equal to amount of the bill (or parts of if multiple companies step forward).
So there's the offer. It's either a brilliant win/win or it's just another website begging for money. You decide. If interested, send an email to steve AT adrants DOT com. Much appreciation.