Massive Boob Jobs Not Part of New Magazine

"In glossies like FHM and Maxim, the girls all have massive boob jobs. They are busting out all over and it's not sexy, it's just fake. We celebrate real women, rather than the images that have contributed to the collective neurosis of women all over the country."
That's directly from the mouth of new magazine New York Hot Sex VP Julie Levine. NYHS is a new free monthly magazine, distributed at Starbucks, Tower Records and other spots in New York City, that will celebrate the city as the "sexiest city in the world."
"The 'sexy' esthetic in New York is so much more sophisticated than in places like L.A.," says NYU grad and model/actress/screenwriter Suzy McCoppin who graces the cover of the first issue.
"The whole hydraulic breasts, big blond hair, is so trashy and trailer park. It's a caricature of women. In New York, everything is natural."
The premise behind the launch is that New Yorkers have taken sex out of the puritanical wrappings in which it has been confined and simply made it another part of every day life worthy of celebrations. The magazine sets out to celebrate just that. Initial press run will be 50,000.
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