Demographics: The Hipster Goes Mainstream...and Becomes a Parody
The line between "under the radar" cool and "isn't this cool" cool is a very thin one. Too far under the radar and any cool factor you have is pointless because no one knows about it. You are just "odd". Too many people saying "isn't this cool" leads to "that's not cool anymore". Coolness trends come and go and now it seems time to say goodbye to another one. Of course, the fact that we are even talking about it, makes it long dead for some time now.
The so-called "Hipster", loosely defined as someone who is 18 to 34 who embraces obscure bands, independent films, and used clothes, is now dead. This according to Robert Lanham, author of the 'The Hipster Handbook'. Just like its predecessor, 'The Preppy Handbook' published in 1980, Lanham , breaks down the Hipster demo into various subgroups such as "The Clubber", The Schmoozer", "The Loner", and "The Unemployed Trust Finder" then paints a picture of them..."Loners are usually very pale and thin . . . [they] choose careers in programming, video editing and other technical skills. Loners know that a little self-loathing can be charming and use this to their full advantage, saying things like, 'This is the first time in three weeks I've gone out on a weekend; I'm so lame.' "
It's obviously done with humor but makes the clear sign that the Hipster demo is dead and something new is yet to follow. As these things go, it surely exists already. And if anyone has a name for it, please let me know. I was once cool and lived "The Preppy Handbook" life (if that can even be called cool) before the book existed and embodied that whole definition. Now, unfortunately, I am not cool enough anymore to know these things before they happen.
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