Universal Healthcare is Hot, Blond and Curvaceous


When Heather Graham hit the scene in Drugstore Cowboy and then again on Twin Peaks, we were, well, peaked. While we're not quite sure what appearing in a MoveOn commercial hyping a public health insurance option will do for her career, we are very sure she - and all of her hot, blond curvaceousness - has caught the eye of the very bloated, for-profit insurance companies.

As they all stand at the starting line of a race in which they don't need to compete (after all, why exert any energy when complacency works just fine), Heather, and all of her hot, blond curvaceousness, approaches the starting line as a representative of the public health insurance option and gets set to beat the crap out of all the other bloated insurance companies.

All while Peter Coyote (President on Flash Forward!) pleads for us all to contact congress and tell our representatives we need that public health insurance option.

by Steve Hall    Oct-26-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Commercials   
