Scion Pixelates, G.I. Joe Elevates, Vogue Vacillates


- Scion is out with a new Brand Manifesto. It's "intended to inspire new youthful and creative trendleaders with its bold and edgy elements." There's Pixel Reveal, Speechifier, a TV spot and other elements.

- It's fake! It's fake! It's fake! Now that we have that out of the way, here's a promotion for the upcoming G.I. Joe movie. It's nothing like Demi Moore's G.I. Jane version.

- Vogue's ad page count isn't looking too good for September.

- Dunkin Donuts pulls out the piggy banks to promote it's $0.99 coffee.

- Oh no! BrandFlakes gave its keys to Dabitch, MTLB and Thoughtgadgets for the week. Watch out.

- Yet another "viral" stunt featuring a famous athlete who just happened to be caught on front of an agency's client.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Video   

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