Only in Advertising Can Plaid Skirts Be Twisted Into Selling Point
We've heard of Plaid Skirt Marketing before but we've never really thought much about the agency or its name. Much like Wexley School for Girls, it's a bit, well, not very typical as in, oh, Wieden + Kennedy or Crispin, Porter + Bogusy or just plain old Arnold.
The agency plays on what it calls the "duality of a plaid skirt." At this point we're thinking, "Oh no. They're not going to go there are they?" Well, they sort of do describing the plaid skirt thusly, "It's a seductive temptress. It's strict uniformity. It's an iconic fashion staple. It's even punk self-expression."
How, you ask, do they parlay that into an agency name? Well, come on. This is the ad business. We can make make people believe anything we say. Plaid Skirt Marketing does it buy saying, "Here at Plaid Skirt, our approach to marketing follows the same complex dichotomy by marrying old school marketing principles and applied data to inspired new media."
Ouch. We were just fine with "seductive temptress."
Cute word play aside, we do wonder how and agency with a name like this...and a website graphic as creepy as the one above, can stand in front of a prospective client and be taken seriously.
We here at Wexley challenge Plaid Skirt Marketing to a winner-take-all field hockey match. Winner take Wonderbra.
I'd like it if there were kilts.
I don't get any of this. Really. But I do like skirts.
Plaid Skirt Marketing accepts the Wexley challange. Meet us at the top of the empire state building at midnight on New Years Eve. You bring the equipment, we will bring the skirts & Wonderbras. And this time no tequila...
+ more parades, rubber chickens and skirts
- mind numb
Skip,'re with Plaid Skirt Marketing now? How did I not know that? :)