Twitter Ignites Motrin Mania


This is one of those thing's that causes one to scream, "Oh for fuck's sake!" Or better yet, "Jesus, fucking Christ!" Why the harsh language? Because, yet again, America has lost its sense of humor and has gotten its underwear up its crack over an innocuous Motrin ad which pokes fun at babywearing. For the uninformed, babywearing is the art of carrying your child in a sling. You've seen plenty of moms and dads with a child slung around their bodies as if they were yet another MacBook Pro.

In a new commercial, Motrin decided to help, albeit in an overly snarky fashion, those suffering back pain due to babywearing. After all, as the ad says, "these things" are heavy. But it's done because it "totally makes me look like an official mom," And who doesn't want to look like an official mom these days? What with Brooke Shields advocating pregnancy just to get a VW minivan and babies crawling around the conference room floors of office across the country, momhood is hot! And Motrin wants a piece of smokin' hot MILF'y goodness.

Alas, the party didn't last long. Predictably, Twitter is in an uproar. Predictably, someone made a protest video. Predictably, Motrin has caved and issued an apology. Predictably, Motrin has pulled the ad from their website. In fact, their entire site is/was down for a while.

Maybe we all just need to relax and...hmm...go Motoring.

by Steve Hall    Nov-16-08   Comments (9)   
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Social, Video


hey steve, watch out or the mommy bloggers will get mad at you for fuck's sake. :>)

Posted by: B.L Ochman on November 16, 2008 10:51 PM

Bring 'em on! ;)

Posted by: Steve Hall on November 16, 2008 11:07 PM

It's a suck ad and it puts a negative spin on babywearing...JNJ should have known better...don't blame the marketing mommies from twitter for having more business and marketing saavy.

Posted by: samsmomjen on November 16, 2008 11:11 PM

Um... why is ANYONE upset over this? It was a cutesy joke that wearing a baby in a sling is in fashion. People seriously want to get upset over that? It's not trying to speak on behalf of all moms nor is it doing anything other than being cute.

How can anyone seriously be upset over this? I feel really bad for Motrin because they did nothing wrong.

Posted by: Ariel Waldman' on November 16, 2008 11:14 PM

If Motrin feels all news about the company is good news, they hit pay dirt. And folks will come out of this suggesting they got more bounce out of the ad now that it tweaked someone(s).

Posted by: Kevin Dugan on November 16, 2008 11:20 PM

If Motrin feels all news about the company is good news, they hit pay dirt. And folks will come out of this suggesting they got more bounce out of the ad now that it tweaked someone(s).

Posted by: Kevin Dugan on November 16, 2008 11:21 PM

If Motrin feels all news about the company is good news, they hit pay dirt. And folks will come out of this suggesting they got more bounce out of the ad now that it tweaked someone(s).

Posted by: Kevin Dugan on November 16, 2008 11:21 PM

A joke is supposed to be funny. The ad wasn't funny.

Posted by: MissPinkKate on November 16, 2008 11:21 PM

If Motrin feels all news about the company is good news, they hit pay dirt. And folks will come out of this suggesting they got more bounce out of the ad now that it tweaked someone(s).

Note what ad sense is already serving at the top of this page.

Posted by: Kevin Dugan on November 16, 2008 11:22 PM

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