Goblet of Stella > Legacy, Glory, Pride.
Two brothers duke it out in a tandem bike competition pour papa in Stella Artois' "The Race." Hijinks ensue when they drive over a nail and their chances of winning are dramatically decreased.
Instead of trucking on, the boys furtively decide to lift their spirits at a nearby pub. As they wrap their lovin' fingers around two glasses of Stella, they look up at the pub wall and find papa -- right where they need him to be.
"Perfection has its price," Stella smugly reminds us.
A treat to watch, and in keeping the brand's high-brow sense of humour. By Lowe/London and Lowe Roche/Toronto. MPC/London conducted post-production. Props to Brentter for bringing it to our attention.
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television
To see what life would be like in the 1960s ad world with the use of digital technology, check out Allen Adamson's spoof of Mad Men.
This Advertisement for Stella is very good. It captures a sense of family by showing the father and the son's relationship. The son's have a dedication to the race because of their father and they are determined to come in first place in the race. However, their dedication to Stella is much greater than winning the race; but instead of feeling guilty for not finishing the race and disappointing their father, their father is right there pictured in the same bar. The boys still get comforted realizing that even though they didn't win the race, they enjoyed something more satisfying to them and their father. The Stella slogan "Perfection has its price" is shown because the son's could've won the race easily but the beer happened to be the only award they received that day, and it was worth it. Using a foreign language makes the advertisement more dramatic because we aren't really sure what they are saying and we can only see and read their body language, however it does capture the viewer's attention because commercials are usually in english. Also, who doesn't like two skinny foreign men on a double-bike who end up holding a public bickering fight?