Monster (Creepily) Croons, 'Your Calling is Calling!'


Maybe to boost its reputation beyond "that site where spammers and pyramid schemes score college kids," is launching a no-holds-barred campaign called "Your Calling is Calling." So far we've managed to score one spot, which reminds us of a low-impact music video by Third Eye Blind or possibly Creed.

The BBDO Worldwide campaign will appear on TV, print, radio and online. The pressie says it's all about getting people to "take an introspective look at their lives by shining a light on the connection between a job and personal fulfillment."

That's all well and good, but JSMN calls the selection crappy and cookie-cutter. Burrrrn.

by Angela Natividad    Comments (5)     File: Brands, Commercials, Television     Jan- 4-08     


couldn't agree more. reminds one of all the reasons NOT to get a job!

Posted by: dave on January 4, 2008 10:52 AM

That guy going against the flow looks like he's late for his job as a hair care model. I've looked up the other spot of them fighting the sun, and I'm not too keen on any of their new stuff. It's trying too hard, and just feels like money over message.

Posted by: Nik on January 4, 2008 11:37 AM

That guy going against the flow looks like he's late for his job as a hair care model. I've looked up the other spot of them fighting the sun, and I'm not too keen on any of their new stuff. It's trying too hard, and just feels like money over message.

Posted by: Nik on January 4, 2008 11:39 AM

Sorry to dissent -- though I'm not exactly objective, as my clients at Rock Paper Scissors and a52 contributed to it -- but I feel it's a very elegant, well produced if low-key metaphor, and it shines through as an impressive message for Frank Budgen directed via Gorgeous Enterprises and Anonymous Content. Bravo!

Posted by: Roger D. on January 4, 2008 03:36 PM

Budgen's Gorgeous+Anonymous+BBDO?

With no fresh idea, expect a fully tossed salad for this spot in the pages of Creativity via Teressa "Tiara" Iezzi.

Cover? Why not.

I'm not saying it's bad, though. Could've had more fun with it, and the guy at the end looks like Ethan Hawke's more retarded cousin.

Posted by: Dean on January 4, 2008 06:40 PM

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