Violet Blue Unveils the Top Ten Sexiest Geeks of 2007


Not that this has anything to do with advertising but...actually, it has nothing to do with advertising other than the fact some of these people work in companies that have to do with media and advertising. We're talking about the Top Ten Sexiest Geeks of 2007. OK, OK, yes, it's a stretch but it's the last real work day of the year and aren't you sick of reading about advertising? Besides, it has a little something to do with Adrants.

Good. So now let's bathe in the beauty of this year's sexiest geeks as tabulated by Violet Blue. Topping the list is Mahalo Daily Producer and Host Veronica Belmont who Violet Blue describes as possessing a "breadth of knowledge about tech and tech (and gaming) culture might just distract you from her gorgeousness for a minute." We stared for a few minutes an she is indeed gorgeous. Having never spoken to her, we aren't yet distracted from her gorgeous beauty.


The second sexiest geek was MC Frontalot who Violet Blue describes as "the godfather of nerdc0re rap" and "panties-on-the-stage-hot in his glasses and headlamp and tie" and who make you "think you were violated in every port you didn't even know you had by the MIT cheerleader and football squads (if they existed)." Now that does sound hot.


And in third place is our good friend and occasional Adrants contributor Ariel Waldman who quickly rose stormed the geek scene this year after launching Shake Well Before Use, a delicious combination or art, advertising, sex and technology, moving from Kansas City to San Francisco where she began writing for Engadget and Suicide Girls as well as taking on the role of community manager at Pownce. Violet Blue says "her recent arrival in San Francisco has been a problem -- for pretty much every tech geek with a libido, male, female, silicon-based or feline. She's outrageously sexy just by being quietly snarky-yet-sweet." We concur.

So there you have your daily diversion. After all, you aren't really doing any work today are you? Nope. You're just counting the minutes until the dude in the corner office says you can leave for the day.

by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Industry Events     Dec-21-07     


I can't believe there isn't more buzz surrounding the geek-beauty, Rocketboom producer, Ellie Rountree:

Posted by: Gregory Kohs on December 27, 2007 09:48 AM

I can't believe there isn't more buzz surrounding the geek-beauty, Rocketboom producer, Ellie Rountree:

Posted by: Gregory Kohs on December 27, 2007 09:49 AM

Boo! Where the hell is Jade Raymond??? She's easily #1, hands down.

Posted by: Jade Fan on January 7, 2008 05:03 AM

Boo! Where the hell is Jade Raymond??? She's easily #1, hands down.

Posted by: Jade Fan on January 7, 2008 05:04 AM

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