Notebook of Napkins Stretches Limits of Logic


Euro RSCG has created spiral bound notebooks with pages made of actual napkins because, as we all know, great ideas usually come when we're not in the office and are away from our computers and scratch pads and having a pad made out of napkin pages would solve that problem, right?

Well, it might if you had the actual notebook with you which you wouldn't because you left it in the office with all your other stuff which is why all you have to write on is an unbound napkin laying on the bar.

Does anyone's head hurt as much as ours does trying to follow this logic? Oh, and there's a website version of this thing too so when yet another brilliant idea explodes from your head while sitting at the bar you the bartender to use his laptop to access the site because you've left yours in the office? Ouch! WTF?

OK, OK. As we drill a hole in our head to relive the pressure this anti-logic has created, we realize that, yes, this is just a semi-witty specialty item created to give a head nod to the trusty napkin on which many a creative idea was born.

Damn.'s Subway video made more sense that this.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Online, Specialty, Strange     Nov-20-07  


Is it just me or is this site trying too hard to be catty? It's certainly not a genius idea or even that creative... it's basically a notebook that might look cute on your desk or something. No one's brain needs to explode.

Posted by: Karen on November 20, 2007 12:46 PM

ever been in a meeting and your nose starts to run? and you try to wipe it with your legal pad, but then you get a paper cut? i bet you'd wish you had a napkin notebook then, steve.

or when you spill your coffee on the conference table and you do that lame...i'll wipe it up with this creative brief i'm holding thing? that napkin notebook would be handy on that day, too.

also, the web version of this is adorable. it animates. and who doesn't love that?

Posted by: doll face on November 20, 2007 04:22 PM

ever been in a meeting and your nose starts to run? and you try to wipe it with your legal pad, but then you get a paper cut? i bet you'd wish you had a napkin notebook then, steve.

or when you spill your coffee on the conference table and you do that lame...i'll wipe it up with this creative brief i'm holding thing? that napkin notebook would be handy on that day, too.

also, the web version of this is adorable. it animates. and who doesn't love that?

Posted by: doll face on November 20, 2007 04:22 PM

Steve I appreciate the "attitude" you kick from behind that martini glass. Don't listen to dollface, obviously she never googled you.


"Marketing and Advertising News With Attitude by Steve Hall"

Posted by: not so creative on November 20, 2007 05:15 PM

I'll take, ideas that were stolen instead of create, for 1000, Alex.

The answer: What site was this concept stolen from?


Posted by: arsmorendi on November 20, 2007 08:34 PM

wait for their festive "garland o' light bulbs". because, and i believe Euro is the first to point this out, our business is about ideas apparently. ideas, steve. ideas.


Posted by: veedub on November 21, 2007 10:15 AM

Up your arsmorendi. This wasn't ripped off. Anyone who's ever concepted at a bar has had this idea before.

Luckily, my version of it is way better.

Posted by: dutycalls on November 21, 2007 01:35 PM

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