Beat Museum Brings Artist Angst to Livid Life


Considering we're still detoxing from a distastefully delightful Popeye's turkey (don't ask), we thought we'd kick off the morning with a campaign loaded with pretty pictures.

So here's creative for The Beat Museum, courtesy of Grey, SF. We hear you'll dig it if you're a big Kerouac fan, or at least somebody who still waves the flag for counterculture (you reverse conformist, you).

The posters will appear in magazines and on bus shelters throughout the hilly city. Website in the works.

We like them -- they've got that classy grit that so typifies the talented (and completely raging) bohemian beatnik. Plus, they teach you stuff without making you feel like a literature-starved ass-hat.

Our favourite is the poster we've affectionally dubbed the "fucking book" poster. Others (also nicknamed by us) include "hitchhiker thumb," "la grande HOWL," "no rules," and "junkies, drunks and criminals."

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (0)     File: Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Poster     Nov-26-07  


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