Evian Gives Second Life Users a New Lease on Skin

evian vending.png

We took issue with Evian's use of language in the last ad of theirs we covered, but the words on its virtual vending machine are just too weird not to pick at.

The machine reads, "Bring your skin to life." and "Get FREE skins!"

Not sure how it's possible, but before Evian, we haven't seen anybody talk of human skin and online skins so closely together.

Strange. And somehow very uncomfortable. (We're thinking Silence of the Lambs, except without the moths.)

Anyway, Evian actually is giving Second Life residents new skin when they buy a bottle of Evian water. According to the pressie, "the bodily presentation of the character then becomes more defined, having a better texture and is lit in a more flattering manner."

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Online, Strange     Oct-17-07  


Are you serious.

Posted by: Ian Schafer on October 19, 2007 10:34 AM

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