NBC, Apple Engage in Tit For Tat Spat Over Distribution


"Well, FU2" seems to be the standard response from one corporation when another cuts its legs off. That's what's going on with Apple and NBC right now. NBC Universal has decided not to renew its distribution deal with Apple's iTunes as it has plans to launch its own online distribution service, Hulu. In response, Apple announced it will not make available for download fall programming from NBC even though the contract between the two runs through December.

Apple has a good reason to feel snubbed as NBC, according to Apple as reported by Advertising Age, accounted for three of iTune's top selling TV shows which accounted for 30 percent of all TV show sales through the service.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Online, Television     Sep- 3-07  


A Post-iTunes Fable For NBC

Posted by: Mike Cane on September 2, 2007 03:09 PM

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