Mr. T is for Virtualization. Anymore Excuses? Punk, We Didn't Think So
Mr. T, the earring-sporting punk-squasher from our '80s childhood, occasionally makes quirky ad appearances in which - to our surprise - he never seems to age.
And neither do his cameos seem to share a rhyme or reason. In a complete 180 from that last Snickers jaunt he did (see link above), he's just appeared in a string of Hitachi ads for virtualization technology.
Yeah, that's right, virtualization technology. And if you're not sure what that is, watch this informative video - which won't explain it anymore clearly, but which will demonstrate the following absolute truths:
- Per our decades-long suspicions, Mr. T's first name is, indeed, "Mr"
- The "T" in IT does not stand for "technology," and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, a zombie or an unhinged consultant
- Just when you think Mr. T's gotten too soft for this gig, he pops somebody's head open and eats his brain
- Mr. T's magical funkadelic vest is not a dated special effect - it really does still give us chills
To better understand why Mr. T + anything = viral gold, Ian Schafer of Deep Focus actually sat down with The Man Himself to talk online video. It's worth a watch, even if only to see Mr. T get all excited and start doing impressions of his own ads.
Hey fool!!! He does shit all over Europe and Japan too. He doesn't age 'cos, like me, he has a picture in the attic with snakes growing out of his fucking eyes.
Sounds like a plan!!!
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