Clearasil Puts Mrs. Robinson Lovin' Back into Juvie Fantasies


Three new ads by Clearasil give us chills, mainly because we think the old school brand is taking a huge positioning risk. But the effort is welcome - we were sick of all those Neutrogena-type spots where Jennifer Love Hewitt tries winning her career back in a towel. (Oh wait, she's since moved up to underwear.)

In this spot, a pubescent boy makes a clear (and wince-worthy) pass at his friend's mom. Here, a girl comes onto a guy while her mom shows him baby pictures. And here, a guy stands up in the middle of an auditorium and tells a speaker it's okay to picture him naked.

The ads make masterful use of teen fantasy and angst. We felt hopelessly violated, even while watching each pubescent kid pose for the bathroom mirror - mainly because it's all so familiar.

To top the campaign off, we're praying Clearasil frames the quintessential caught-wanking-in-the-act-by-our-parents moment, with the same kind of shattering cavalier.

A really neat campaign site assists the needy with hot-shit training at

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (6)     File: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television     Aug-20-07  


How many more times must we listen to dreary, resentful nobodies like the unread author of this unread and unreadable article putting down Jennifer Love Hewitt? Sorry for you (and for all the little enclaves of the tragically hip), but this woman gives more pleasure to the world during the five minutes a day that she is flossing her teeth than you will during the entirety of what is charitably referred to as your "life." Why don't you go get one?

Posted by: Michel Foucault on August 31, 2007 02:07 PM

How many more times must we listen to dreary, resentful nobodies like the unread author of this unread and unreadable article putting down Jennifer Love Hewitt? Sorry for you (and for all the little enclaves of the tragically hip), but this woman gives more pleasure to the world during the five minutes a day that she is flossing her teeth than you will during the entirety of what is charitably referred to as your "life." Why don't you go get one?

Posted by: Michel Foucault on August 31, 2007 02:19 PM

He said "Jennifer Love Hewitt" and "gives pleasure to the world" in the same sentence. That's funny.

Fair maiden, I willst defend thine honor! Forsooth...willst thou notice me?

Posted by: Weave on September 11, 2007 03:14 PM

"Mom" Couldn't they find a more fugly mother? That woman is dead ugly

Posted by: REX on September 11, 2007 04:03 PM

Weave, Rex. Sad little children. Still waiting for either or both of you to add to the store of the world's happiness. Let us know when you do.

Posted by: Michel Foucault on September 18, 2007 04:37 PM

Weave, Rex. Sad little children. Still waiting for either or both of you to add to the store of the world's happiness. Let us know when you do.

Posted by: Michel Foucault on September 18, 2007 04:37 PM

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