Ready for a New Buzz Word? Everybody Together Now: 'AVATARSMENT'


Leaping into the virtual world with guns a-blazing, and perhaps dissatisfied with slaughtering just Spanish on its quest for incoherence, Taco Bell partners with Gizmoz and MTV to launch a "virtual casting call." Future digital celebrities will have the pleasure of appearing on a late night commercial in the MTV Video Music Awards.

So for those seeking their 15 minutes of fame amongst stoner-kind, you may get your wish.

Three "virtual consumer actors" will appear as talking avatars in a :30 spot for Taco Bell's "Fourthmeal," a clever new term for the fare you grub between dinner and breakfast. (You may know it better as the munchies.)

The ad, or "avatarsment," will debut during the VMAs on September 9.

Audition for the spot by uploading your digital photo onto between July 9 and 22. Gizmoz will then bake your head onto a personalized body. After that, you've got 15 seconds to lip-sync your audition into a mic.

Entries will be judged on personality, appeal and self-expression.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (0)     File: Online, Promotions, Strange     Jul-10-07  


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