Nokia N95 Makes Computers Bite, Scratch and Otherwise Maim Owners


It may not be as cute as the iPhone, but the Nokia N95 - and its ad campaigns - might just be cleverer.

The premise behind is that the N95, which boasts music, GPS, camera, and video cam all in one (okay, really ugly) phone, may spark the jealousy of lesser-seeming technologies - like your laptop, for example. And along with footage of tech gone awry are flight attendant-type videos about protecting yourself from dangerous hardware, as well as camouflage tactics for the N95.

You might want to try the latter, even if you don't have a laptop raring to bite you. (Seriously. Look at it.)

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Brands, Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange     Jul-23-07  


I think it just needs a few more buttons. Maybe a few more protrusions, those are always good.

Posted by: pat smith on July 23, 2007 02:17 PM

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