Folgers Sponsors Coffee-Induced Heart Attacks


We just can't get enough of this stuff! We love it when computers are left to do the work of humans because, well, computers are dumb and dumb nets dumb no matter how much the things try not to be dumb. Ah yes, our favorite whipping boy, contextual advertising, has risen his ugly head once again in a ad for Folger's coffee directly next to an article about hoe coffee could trigger the first heart attack in some people.

Oddly this story is dated August 15th so either there's some time travel going on here, this thing is a year old or it just came up in a Yahoo News search. No matter. It's still fun to witness idiocy in action.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Online, Strange, Worst     Jul-19-07  


So then, coffee now kills (via heart attack), Its true but you know only those wearing law genes?

Posted by: Hollywood Movie Wallpapers on July 23, 2007 06:04 AM

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