Having A 'Muffin Top' Makes You the Best. Uh, No


While the guy in this Livesavers commercial is being ever so polite to his girlfriend who asks him what a "muffin top" is while sporting one herself, he's doing no service to women who, if they are "muffin top"-prone, should never dress in a manner which would expose said "muffin top" in the first place. Know thy body. Dress appropriately.

Of course, that line of thinking may not quite be in line with the angelic message Livesavers is trying to bestow upon us with this campaign.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (5)     File: Brands, Commercials, Strange     Jun-18-07  


For all the collective ranting and raving and wringing of hands that goes on in this website for advertisements that use women's assets to sell stuff, and how the world would be a better place if 'that kind of thing' fell by the way side (which incidentally as a premise I agree with, but It ain't gonna happen anytime soon) it seems a little bit lop sided to now suggest that because a woman's figure doesn't reflect what you deem suitable in her dress, she should hide herself and "dress appropriately."

What are you asking for? Anyone over a size 8 should wear a Mu-mu? A Burqa perhaps? I presume you aren't, and I presume you made the comment to get comments, otherwise its the same objectification from a different angle.

Posted by: philbee on June 18, 2007 12:18 PM

For all the collective ranting and raving and wringing of hands that goes on in this website for advertisements that use women's assets to sell stuff, and how the world would be a better place if 'that kind of thing' fell by the way side (which incidentally as a premise I agree with, but It ain't gonna happen anytime soon) it seems a little bit lop sided to now suggest that because a woman's figure doesn't reflect what you deem suitable in her dress, she should hide herself and "dress appropriately."

What are you asking for? Anyone over a size 8 should wear a Mu-mu? A Burqa perhaps? I presume you aren't, and I presume you made the comment to get comments, otherwise its the same objectification from a different angle.

Posted by: philbee on June 18, 2007 12:28 PM

Have you learned nothing from this site? No no-- the want anyone over a size 4 to wear a mu-mu.

Grow up-- philbee. What causes the "muffin-top" is wearing pants that are simply too tight for one's body. All Steve is try to say is: "wear fucking clothing that fits- if you aren't a size 6 don't wear a size 4"

Posted by: Paul on June 18, 2007 02:20 PM

The best line is "even my supervisor called me a muffin top!"

We can get into the whole debate of "healthy body image" etc, but is that really going to change advertising or people's perceptions?

Posted by: Jeremy Pepper on June 18, 2007 02:44 PM

But.. but.. muffin tops are kinda hot.

Posted by: Step Schwarz on June 24, 2007 10:11 AM

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