BMW Drags Us Ever So Slowly Across Europe with Animated Race


BMW recently launched Pursuit Across Europe (PACE), an animated drag race that takes place between Lisbon and Prague. Developed by Interone Worldwide Hamburg and artist Dirk Hoffman, it's actually a fairly clever way to introduce couch potatoes to new vehicle technology like brake energy regeneration and electric power steering.

If only it didn't lag so much. But maybe that too is a unique new BMW functionality, with esoteric yet explanatory nomenclature like Heightened Atmospheric Awareness.

Off-topic, we maintain that everybody makes a racing game and it would be really neat to have someone focus his or her energy on putting a really good car-washing game on the market.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Games, Online     May- 2-07  


That was painful to play. I meant, to try and play.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on May 2, 2007 11:11 AM

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