William Shatner Gets a Falcon. It Suits Him


Priceline takes William Shatner, who's pompous by default, and makes him pompouser still with the use of a falcon and an eyepatch and ads that seem to drag on and on and on.

Check it all out at Falcon of Truth. You need a code to get in but we can assure you of either one of these two soothing facts:

* You're not missing out on much, as it contains the usual peppy text, promotional images and downloads

* You'll probably get some sort of invitation to see it eventually

We will leak one thing, though. Be among the first 100 to e-mail Priceline with your name, address and size and you could get a Falcon of Truth shirt. No, we're not kidding. Scramble for your Outlook right now.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (3)     File: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Online, Promotions     Apr-19-07  


Yes! I like free stuff. And emails from the Shat:

Congratulations. The Falcon of Truth would like to personally thank you for requesting his t-shirt. Unfortunately, the Falcon of Truth can't type. So this is the Negotiator saying "Thank You!" Your t-shirt will be on its way soon.

Posted by: Jetpacks on April 19, 2007 02:15 PM

They've changed the site -- you don't need a code to get in any more.

Posted by: no-one on April 26, 2007 05:22 PM

They've changed the site -- you don't need a code to get in any more.

Posted by: no-one on April 26, 2007 05:23 PM

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