Looks Us in the Eye and Propositions, We Reject


The cool thing about is that their campaigns are racy, generally consistent and immediately recognizable. Those three components are kind of a big deal when you're trying to brand build.

There once was a time when was cool, but they've since run in a thousand confusing directions. We were surfing around this afternoon when we came across their latest shot in the dark.

This guy invites you to stare. Then he turns around and starts talking to you. Like, out of the ad, to you. Then he goes, "What are you waiting for?"

We looked around. It wasn't 2 AM. We weren't between scenes in a Lifetime movie. There was no local-singles 800 number to dial. And we were confused.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (4)     File: Bad, Campaigns, Online     Apr- 5-07  


Online dating services typically don't bother marketing to women so I'm guessing this is a mistargeted GLBT effort.

As an aside, I love the "classic" online dating campaigns found all too often on "B" and "C" tier websites. No mistaking the value proposition being delivered in these in-your-face efforts!

- hot, casual sex:

- gorgeously unattainable women:

- rich guys and Paris Hiltonesque party-girls:

- edgy, GLBT-lifestyle:

Rounding out the spectrum are dozens of less provocative but potentially more effective campaigns:

- marriage and/or commitment-ready:

- common (but mainstream) hobbies and interests:

- soulmate connection:

- religious compatibility:

The whole collection's here:

Posted by: adverlicious on April 6, 2007 03:57 PM

Right on! I also find their recent TV campaign absurd. Their customer "guarantee" is that if fails for you over six months time, they give you six more months absolutely free! Who falls for this dreck?

Posted by: MSmelkinson on April 6, 2007 05:36 PM WTF???

Posted by: kate on April 6, 2007 10:10 PM

What a bunch of shit. Go home from meeting someone to find him immediately on match.

Posted by: taylor on June 6, 2007 02:09 AM

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