KFC Bowls Make High Marks in 2006 Product Awareness
We like KFC decently enough but, post in-house rat-race, we just can't swallow the idea that KFC Bowls take the top spot in product awareness and most memorable launch, according to Schneider. Well, maybe we can. We're aware of lots of things that appall or just plain rub us wrong.
actually, it's funny that you posted a document marked proprietary and confidential. hey, you don't get exclusives like this at george parker's blog.
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Not surprising that it gets this award as every time my wife and I saw one of those commercials we immediately made a sophomoric puking sound. When the food they serve looks like barf it tends to be memorable, yet probably not too profitable.
Chickens are as intelligent as dogs and cats. They deserve respect and kindness. Yet, KFC’s suppliers torture their birds. KFC should put a stop to the live scalding, crippling, and debeaking of the birds they use.
According to KFCcruelty.com, Dr. Adele Douglass, a former animal welfare advisor to KFC says, “[KFC] never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.”
I applaud Burger King, a KFC competitor, for recently announcing changes with their suppliers to reduce animal suffering.
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