NBC Tubes, CareerBuilder Spots Worked, Classmates Get Farrah


- Cynopsis reports, "After seven months of negotiations, the deal got done after all. News Corp. and NBC Universal announced a partnership for the digital age yesterday, planning a new jointly-run entertainment portal that will aggregate the biggest collection of TV content on the web and create "the largest advertising platform on earth." The agreement will encompass the vast libraries of television and film content from each of the companies' broadcast, cable and film brands. The deal also contains a distribution component that will make video content available across the leading portals of the net AOL, MSN, Yahoo and MySpace, who will share in the ad revenue and customize its delivery as they see fit."

- A Compete.com survey claims the supposedly "failed" CareerBuilder Super Bowl spots actually delivered some positive metrics.

Everyone's talking about the News Corp./NBC Universal video site that may give YouTube some stiff competition. Advertisers such as GM, Cadbury Schweppes, Intel, Cisco and E-surance are lining up for the advertiser-friendly site.

- The Catch Up Lady sums up the booting of the bespectacled Classmates.com girl who had always been placed next to the jock along with the tagline, "She married him?" Now a Farrah Fawcett-like girl takes her place.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Online, Research, Video     Mar-23-07  


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