Sunsilk Behind Creation of Freaked Out, Hair-Cutting 'Bridezilla' Video


A tipster tells us the hair care brand Sunsilk was behind the creation of the strange "bridezilla" video which was posted on YouTube January 18 and received 9 million views before it was pulled. It's back up now and in the video, a bride enters a hotel room full of bride's maids, proceeds to flip out and cut her hair off because it looks so bad. Initially thought to be an innocently created farce, it's now been revealed the four women in the video are actresses and were paid to appear in it. What wasn't known until now, according to our source, is that Sunsilk, working with Toronto-based Capital C Communications, was initially involved but backed out at the last minute. It's unclear why Sunsilk separated itself from the project.

While the four women are getting all the glory right now, we've spoken to the director of the video who has graciously promised us more details as soon as he makes sure all his legal "I's" and "T's" are properly crossed. As soon as we have more information, we will gleefully pass it along to you.

UPDATE: Sunsilk, perhaps jealous of all the media attention the four actors are receiving, is now acknowledging their involvement with the creation of the video.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (8)     File: Brands, Online, Strange, Video     Feb- 2-07  


The Tornto Star tackled this story over the past couple of days and have revealed the culprits behind it. No mention of Sunsilk, Cap C or any male director.

Posted by: Robert on February 2, 2007 03:50 PM

Did you read what we just reported, Robert? Are you insinuating that we just make stuff up here? We provide news here at Adrants and don't always rely on others to report it before we do. We know Sunsilk is behind this who created it and who directed it. In fact, after our report, Sunsilk publicly acknowledged their involvement.

Posted by: Steve Hall on February 2, 2007 04:27 PM

Sunsilk has 'fessed up.

"Sunsilk Canada revealed Thursday that a video clip seen so far by more than 2 million people on the popular video portal YouTube was an "initiative" by the hair product company.

"We understand very much that women have these moments with their hair, and some of them end up in what we're calling 'wig-outs,'" spokesperson Geoff Craig told CTV News.

"He added that "it was certainly never our intent to do anything other than provide a dramatization of one of these moments from the get-go."

"The 22-year-old aspiring actress playing the bride, whose real name is Jodi Behan, really did cut her hair in the video filmed by Toronto-based Ryerson University grad Ingrid Hass.

"Behan told Canada AM Friday that she doesn't regret it. "I mean, there's going to be lots of different things you're going to have to do for acting parts so why hold out?"

"The girls say they did the stunt to promote their acting skills and as a way of getting their names out there. "We're all actors so we're really excited for all the opportunities for everyone," Jessie Behan, the real-life sister of Jodi, told Canada AM.

"The girls appeared on Good Morning America and and had been due to make an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. But when the producers told the foursome that only two could appear on the show, they turned down the offer."

Posted by: Annulla on February 2, 2007 05:08 PM

Wow. She really did cut her hair? Way to suffer for her art. So annoying she deserved a smack.

How does Sunsilk help a short haircut by the way?

Posted by: makethelogobigger on February 2, 2007 06:18 PM

Is sunsilk going to somehow try to rid the world of hair dressers that give bad wedding up-do's? Otherwise this seems a bit off.

But kudos to them on causing a stir at least.

Posted by: branddame2 on February 2, 2007 07:31 PM

Spoof of the bride wig out.

Posted by: Alex on February 3, 2007 04:25 AM

Spoof of the bride wig out.

Posted by: Alex on February 3, 2007 04:26 AM

I've dealt with real-life psycho-drama queens far too much already in my life. This pained me. If Sunsilk kept their name attached to it, I wouldn't have had any good feelings towards the product whatsoever.

Posted by: Rebekah on February 3, 2007 03:17 PM

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